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There are 14 words containing CALAMA

CALAMANCOcalamanco n. A glossy woolen fabric with striped or checkered designs.
CALAMANCO n. a glossy woollen stuff, plain, striped, or checked.
CALAMANCOEScalamancoes n. Plural of calamanco.
CALAMANCO n. a glossy woollen stuff, plain, striped, or checked.
CALAMANCOScalamancos n. Plural of calamanco.
CALAMANCO n. a glossy woollen stuff, plain, striped, or checked.
CALAMANDERcalamander n. A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very hard…
CALAMANDER n. (Sinhalese) a hard valuable wood of the ebony genus.
CALAMANDERScalamanders n. Plural of calamander.
CALAMANDER n. (Sinhalese) a hard valuable wood of the ebony genus.
CALAMANSIcalamansi n. Synonym of calamondin.
CALAMANSI n. a citrus hybrid predominantly cultivated in the Philippines, aka calamondin, also KALAMANSI.
CALAMARcalamar n. (Dated) A squid.
CALAMAR n. any of various species of squid, also CALAMARI, CALAMARY.
CALAMARIcalamari n. Squid as food, especially cooked in the form of calamari rings.
calamari n. Squid, the mollusk, in general.
Calamari prop.n. A surname from Italian.
CALAMARIEScalamaries n. Plural of calamary.
CALAMARY n. any of various species of squid, also CALAMAR, CALAMARI.
CALAMARIScalamaris n. Plural of calamari.
Calamaris prop.n. Plural of Calamari.
CALAMARI n. (Italian) any of various species of squid, also CALAMAR, CALAMARY.
CALAMARScalamars n. Plural of calamar.
CALAMAR n. any of various species of squid, also CALAMARI, CALAMARY.
CALAMARYcalamary n. (Dated) A squid.
CALAMARY n. any of various species of squid, also CALAMAR, CALAMARI.
CALAMATAcalamata n. A kalamata olive.
calamata n. A type of currant from southern Greece.
CALAMATA n. (Modern Greek) a black olive grown in Greece, also KALAMATA.
CALAMATAScalamatas n. Plural of calamata.
CALAMATA n. (Modern Greek) a black olive grown in Greece, also KALAMATA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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