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There are 10 nine-letter words containing CENTRI

ACENTRICSacentrics n. Plural of acentric.
ACENTRIC n. an acentric chromosome or fragment.
BICENTRICbicentric adj. (Not comparable) Having two centres.
bicentric adj. (Comparable, LGBT) Having a bisexual bias or basis.
BICENTRIC adj. having two centres.
CENTRICALcentrical adj. In or by the center; central.
centrical adj. Containing a center.
CENTRICAL adj. placed in the center or middle; central, also CENTRIC.
CENTRINGScentrings n. Plural of centring.
CENTRING n. a temporary framework for an arch, also CENTERING.
CENTRIOLEcentriole n. (Biology) A barrel-shaped microtubule structure found in most animal cells, important in the process…
CENTRIOLE n. a rodlike body (usually one of a pair) in animal cells.
CENTRISMScentrisms n. Plural of centrism.
CENTRISM n. a moderate political philosophy.
CENTRISTScentrists n. Plural of centrist.
CENTRIST n. one who adheres to the tenets of centrism, avoidance of extremes.
DICENTRICdicentric adj. (Genetics) (of a chromosome) Having two centromeres (an aberration).
dicentric n. A chromosome that has two centromeres.
DICENTRIC n. a chromosome having two centromeres.
ECCENTRICeccentric adj. Not at or in the centre; away from the centre.
eccentric adj. Not perfectly circular; elliptical.
eccentric adj. Having a different center; not concentric.
EXCENTRICexcentric adj. Alternative form of eccentric.
excentric adj. (Botany) One-sided; having the normally central portion not in the true center.
excentric n. Alternative form of eccentric (disk or wheel with off-centre axis).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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