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There are 18 words containing CUTTE

CHEESECUTTERcheese␣cutter n. (Slang) A kind of cap with a large square peak.
cheese␣cutter n. (Slang, rare) Someone who flatulates.
CHEESECUTTER n. a movable keel that may be drawn up inside a boat; a square-peaked cap.
CHEESECUTTERScheese␣cutters n. Plural of cheese cutter.
CHEESECUTTER n. a movable keel that may be drawn up inside a boat; a square-peaked cap.
CUTTERcutter n. A person or device that cuts (in various senses).
cutter n. (Nautical) A single-masted, fore-and-aft rigged, sailing vessel with at least two headsails, and a mast…
cutter n. A foretooth; an incisor.
CUTTERScutters n. Plural of cutter.
Cutters prop.n. Plural of Cutter.
CUTTER n. a powerful motor-launch (as used by coastguard and navy).
GLASSCUTTERglasscutter n. One who cuts glass to make objects from it.
glasscutter n. A device for cutting through glass.
glass␣cutter n. One who cuts glass to make objects from it.
GLASSCUTTERSglasscutters n. Plural of glasscutter.
glass␣cutters n. Plural of glass cutter.
GLASSCUTTER n. a small hand tool that is specially designed for cutting sheets of glass.
HAIRCUTTERhaircutter n. One who cuts hair; a barber or hairdresser.
haircutter n. Any of various mechanical or electrical devices used to cut hair.
HAIRCUTTER n. one who cuts hair.
HAIRCUTTERShaircutters n. Plural of haircutter.
HAIRCUTTER n. one who cuts hair.
LEAFCUTTERleafcutter n. Alternative spelling of leaf-cutter.
leaf-cutter n. Any insect that cuts pieces from leaves.
leaf-cutter n. A tool for trimming leaves from plants.
LEAFCUTTERSleafcutters n. Plural of leafcutter.
leaf-cutters n. Plural of leaf-cutter.
leaf␣cutters n. Plural of leaf cutter.
SCUTTERscutter n. Thin excrement.
scutter n. A hasty run.
scutter v. To void thin excrement.
SCUTTEREDscuttered adj. (Ireland, especially Munster) Very drunk.
scuttered v. Simple past tense and past participle of scutter.
SCUTTER v. to run hastily, scurry.
SCUTTERINGscuttering v. Present participle of scutter.
scuttering n. The act of running with a light pattering noise; a skittering.
SCUTTER v. to run hastily, scurry.
SCUTTERSscutters n. Plural of scutter.
scutters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scutter.
SCUTTER v. to run hastily, scurry.
STONECUTTERstonecutter n. Somebody who cuts, carves or dresses stone.
stonecutter n. A machine that is used to cut stone or concrete.
STONECUTTER n. one who cuts stone.
STONECUTTERSstonecutters n. Plural of stonecutter.
STONECUTTER n. one who cuts stone.
WOODCUTTERwoodcutter n. A person who cuts down trees; a lumberjack.
woodcutter n. A person who cuts wood.
woodcutter n. A person who makes woodcuts.
WOODCUTTERSwoodcutters n. Plural of woodcutter.
WOODCUTTER n. one that cuts wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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