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There are 15 words containing CUBAT

CUBATUREcubature n. The process of determining the solid or cubic contents of a body.
CUBATURE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBAGE.
INCUBATEincubate v. (Transitive) To brood, raise, or maintain eggs, organisms, or living tissue through the provision of…
incubate v. (Transitive, figurative) To incubate metaphorically; to ponder an idea slowly and deliberately as if…
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.
CUBATUREScubatures n. Plural of cubature.
CUBATURE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBAGE.
INCUBATEDincubated v. Simple past tense and past participle of incubate.
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.
INCUBATESincubates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of incubate.
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.
INCUBATORincubator n. (Chemistry) Any apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a reaction.
incubator n. (Medicine) An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby.
incubator n. An apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs.
ACCUBATIONaccubation n. The act or posture of reclining on a couch, as practiced by the ancients at meals.
ACCUBATION n. the act of reclining while eating.
INCUBATINGincubating v. Present participle of incubate.
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.
INCUBATIONincubation n. Sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young; a brooding on, or keeping warm, to develop the life…
incubation n. (Pathology) The development of a disease from its causes, or the period of such development.
incubation n. (Chemistry) A period of little reaction which is followed by more rapid reaction.
INCUBATIVEincubative adj. Of or pertaining to incubation.
INCUBATIVE adj. of or pertaining to incubation.
INCUBATORSincubators n. Plural of incubator.
INCUBATOR n. an apparatus for hatching eggs by artificial heat.
INCUBATORYincubatory adj. Serving for incubation.
INCUBATORY adj. serving for incubation.
ACCUBATIONSACCUBATION n. the act of reclining while eating.
INCUBATIONSincubations n. Plural of incubation.
INCUBATION n. the act of incubating.
INCUBATIONALincubational adj. Relating to incubation.
INCUBATIONAL adj. relating to incubation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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