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There are 17 words containing CROPS

CROPScrops n. Plural of crop.
crops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crop.
CROP v. to cut off short.
CROPSICKcropsick adj. (Obsolete) Sick in the stomach, especially from excess in eating or drinking.
CROPSICK adj. sick from overeating.
INTERCROPSintercrops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intercrop.
intercrops n. Plural of intercrop.
INTERCROP v. to plant a second crop between the rows of the first.
KILLCROPSkillcrops n. Plural of killcrop.
KILLCROP n. a greedy insatiable baby; a changeling.
MACROPSIAmacropsia n. (Pathology) A disorder in which objects appear much larger than normal, most often the result of a neurological…
MACROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear larger than normal.
MACROPSIASmacropsias n. Plural of macropsia.
MACROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear larger than normal.
MICROPSIAmicropsia n. (Pathology) A disorder in which objects appear much smaller than normal, most often the result of a…
MICROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear smaller than normal.
MICROPSIASmicropsias n. Plural of micropsia.
MICROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear smaller than normal.
MONOCROPSmonocrops n. Plural of monocrop.
MONOCROP v. to plant the same crop in the same field year after year.
NECROPSIEDnecropsied v. Simple past tense and past participle of necropsy.
NECROPSY v. to perform an autopsy on.
NECROPSIESnecropsies n. Plural of necropsy.
NECROPSY v. to perform an autopsy on.
NECROPSYnecropsy n. (Medicine) The pathological examination of a corpse, particularly to determine cause of death.
necropsy v. The act of performing a necropsy.
NECROPSY v. to perform an autopsy on.
NECROPSYINGnecropsying v. Present participle of necropsy.
NECROPSY v. to perform an autopsy on.
OUTCROPSoutcrops n. Plural of outcrop.
OUTCROP v. to protrude above the soil.
OVERCROPSovercrops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcrop.
OVERCROP v. to exhaust the land.
SHARECROPSsharecrops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sharecrop.
SHARECROP v. of a tenant farmer, to supply, in lieu of rent, a share of the crop.
STONECROPSstonecrops n. Plural of stonecrop.
STONECROP n. a yellow flower of rockeries etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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