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There are 9 words containing COTRO

CACOTROPHYcacotrophy n. (Medicine, obsolete) Disordered or defective nutrition.
CACOTROPHY n. bad or inadequate diet.
MYCOTROPHICmycotrophic adj. (Botany) Describing any plant that obtains (all or some of) its nutrients through symbiosis with fungi.
MYCOTROPHIC adj. of a plant, living in symbiosis with a fungus.
CACOTROPHIESCACOTROPHY n. bad or inadequate diet.
CORTICOTROPICcorticotropic adj. (Medicine) That stimulates the adrenal cortex; of or pertaining to corticotropin.
CORTICOTROPIC adj. stimulating the adrenal cortex, also CORTICOTROPHIC.
CORTICOTROPINcorticotropin n. (Biochemistry, endocrinology) Synonym of adrenocorticotropic hormone.
CORTICOTROPIN n. a hormone that stimulates the adrenal gland, also CORTICOTROPHIN.
CORTICOTROPHICcorticotrophic adj. Alternative form of corticotropic.
CORTICOTROPHIC adj. stimulating the adrenal cortex, also CORTICOTROPIC.
CORTICOTROPHINcorticotrophin n. Alternative form of corticotropin.
CORTICOTROPHIN n. a hormone that stimulates the adrenal gland, also CORTICOTROPIN.
CORTICOTROPINScorticotropins n. Plural of corticotropin.
CORTICOTROPIN n. a hormone that stimulates the adrenal gland, also CORTICOTROPHIN.
CORTICOTROPHINScorticotrophins n. Plural of corticotrophin.
CORTICOTROPHIN n. a hormone that stimulates the adrenal gland, also CORTICOTROPIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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