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There are 16 words containing COREL

CORELATECORELATE v. to place in mutual relation.
CORELATEDCORELATE v. to place in mutual relation.
CORELATESCORELATE v. to place in mutual relation.
CORELATINGCORELATE v. to place in mutual relation.
CORELATIONcorelation n. (Mathematics) The dual of a relation.
corelation n. A corresponding relationship.
corelation n. Alternative form of correlation.
CORELATIONScorelations n. Plural of corelation.
co-relations n. Plural of co-relation.
CORELATION n. correspondence, also CORRELATION.
CORELATIVEcorelative adj. Alternative form of correlative.
corelative n. Alternative form of correlative.
CORELATIVE adj. mutually linked.
CORELATIVEScorelatives n. Plural of corelative.
CORELATIVE n. a person or thing correspondingly related to another person or thing, also CORRELATIVE.
CORELESScoreless adj. Lacking a core.
CORELESS adj. having no core.
CORELIGIONISTcoreligionist n. Alternative spelling of co-religionist.
co-religionist n. A fellow follower of one’s religion.
CORELIGIONIST n. a person of the same religion, also CORRELIGIONIST.
CORELIGIONISTScoreligionists n. Plural of coreligionist.
co-religionists n. Plural of co-religionist.
CORELIGIONIST n. a person of the same religion, also CORRELIGIONIST.
CORELLAcorella n. Any of several species of white cockatoo of the subgenus Licmetis within genus Cacatua.
Corella prop.n. A surname.
CORELLA n. (Native Australian) an Australian long-billed cockatoo.
CORELLAScorellas n. Plural of corella.
Corellas prop.n. Plural of Corella.
CORELLA n. (Native Australian) an Australian long-billed cockatoo.
SCORELESSscoreless adj. No points or goals etc having been scored.
SCORELESS adj. without a score.
SCORELINEscoreline n. A line in a newspaper or other publication giving the score in a sports match.
scoreline n. (Sports) The score at the end of, of during, a match or game.
SCORELINE n. the result in a game.
SCORELINESscorelines n. Plural of scoreline.
SCORELINE n. the result in a game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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