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There are 16 words containing CORBE

CORBEcorbe adj. (Obsolete) crooked.
CORBE n. (Spenser) a projection of stone or wood from the face of a wall, used for supporting pillars or other weights, also CORBEL.
CORBEAUcorbeau n. The black vulture, Coragyps atratus.
corbeau n. (Historical) A man who carts away the dead plague victims.
corbeau n. A very dark shade of green, almost black.
CORBEAUSCORBEAU n. (French) a blackish green colour.
CORBEILcorbeil n. A decorative basket for the display of flowers or fruits.
corbeil n. (Military) A basket filled with earth and set up as a protection from the fire of the enemy.
Corbeil prop.n. A surname.
CORBEILLEcorbeille n. A decorative basket.
corbeille n. (Historical) A basket of clothing and accessories given as part of the dowry from groom to bride.
CORBEILLE n. (French) a basket of flowers.
CORBEILLEScorbeilles n. Plural of corbeille.
CORBEILLE n. (French) a basket of flowers.
CORBEILScorbeils n. Plural of corbeil.
Corbeils prop.n. Plural of Corbeil.
CORBEIL n. (French) a basket filled with earth used as a missile.
CORBELcorbel n. (Architecture) A structural member jutting out of a wall to carry a superincumbent weight.
corbel v. (Transitive) To furnish with a corbel or corbels; to support by a corbel; to make in the form of a corbel.
CORBEL v. to provide a wall bracket.
CORBELEDcorbeled adj. Alternative form of corbelled.
CORBEL v. to provide a wall bracket.
CORBELINGcorbeling v. Present participle of corbel.
corbeling n. A series of corbels or piece of continuous corbeled masonry.
CORBELING n. (US) corbels taken collectively.
CORBELINGScorbelings n. Plural of corbeling.
CORBELING n. (US) corbels taken collectively.
CORBELLEDcorbelled adj. Having corbels.
CORBEL v. to provide a wall bracket.
CORBELLINGcorbelling n. A series of corbels or piece of continuous corbelled masonry.
corbelling v. Present participle of corbel.
CORBELLING n. corbels taken collectively.
CORBELLINGScorbellings n. Plural of corbelling.
CORBELLING n. corbels taken collectively.
CORBELScorbels n. Plural of corbel.
CORBEL v. to provide a wall bracket.
CORBESCORBE n. (Spenser) a projection of stone or wood from the face of a wall, used for supporting pillars or other weights, also CORBEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 100 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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