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There are 12 words containing CODON

ANTICODONanticodon n. (Genetics) A sequence of three nucleotides in transfer RNA that binds to the complementary triplet (codon)…
ANTICODON n. a triplet of nucleotide bases in transfer RNA.
ANTICODONSanticodons n. Plural of anticodon.
ANTICODON n. a triplet of nucleotide bases in transfer RNA.
CODONcodon n. A handbell used for summoning monks.
codon n. The "bell" or flaring mouth of a trumpet.
codon n. (Biochemistry) A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides, which encode for a specific amino acid during…
CODONScodons n. Plural of codon.
CODON n. a triplet of bases in the messenger-RNA molecule, which determines a particular amino-acid in protein synthesis.
HYDROCODONEhydrocodone n. (Pharmacology) A habit-forming compound that is derived from codeine and is administered in the form…
HYDROCODONE n. a semisynthetic opioid drug derived from codeine and thebaine.
HYDROCODONEShydrocodones n. Plural of hydrocodone.
HYDROCODONE n. a semisynthetic opioid drug derived from codeine and thebaine.
OXYCODONEoxycodone n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic analgesic drug (trademark OxyContin) that is similar to morphine in its effects.
OXYCODONE n. an opiate drug used as a painkiller.
OXYCODONESOXYCODONE n. an opiate drug used as a painkiller.
SECODONTsecodont adj. (Zoology) Of teeth: blade-like; suited for cutting or slicing.
secodont n. (Zoology) A blade-like tooth, suited for cutting or slicing.
SECODONT n. the cutting of back teeth.
SECODONTSsecodonts n. Plural of secodont.
SECODONT n. the cutting of back teeth.
THECODONTthecodont adj. (Anatomy) Having the teeth inserted in sockets in the alveoli of the jaws.
thecodont n. (Paleontology, archaic) Any of the Thecodontia (a former group of archosaurs).
THECODONT n. a member of the order Thecodontia of archosaurian reptiles with teeth fixed in sockets in the jawbone.
THECODONTSthecodonts n. Plural of thecodont.
THECODONT n. a member of the order Thecodontia of archosaurian reptiles with teeth fixed in sockets in the jawbone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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