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There are 18 words containing CKSHA

RICKSHAricksha n. Alternative form of rickshaw.
RICKSHA n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled hooded carriage drawn by a man or men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRICKSHAW, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
KICKSHAWkickshaw n. A dainty or delicacy.
kickshaw n. A trinket or gewgaw.
KICKSHAW n. a fancy dish, a delicacy; a trinket, also KICKSHAWS.
RICKSHASrickshas n. Plural of ricksha.
RICKSHA n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled hooded carriage drawn by a man or men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRICKSHAW, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
RICKSHAWrickshaw n. A two-wheeled carriage pulled along by a person.
rickshaw v. To move someone by means of a rickshaw.
'rickshaw n. (Dated, hypercorrect) Alternative form of rickshaw.
JACKSHAFTjackshaft n. A common mechanical component used to transfer or synchronize rotational force in a machine.
jackshaft n. A wheelless axle used to turn the wheels of a locomotive.
jackshaft v. To transfer or synchronize rotational force by means of a jackshaft.
KICKSHAWSkickshaws n. Plural of kickshaw.
kickshaws n. Alternative form of kickshaw.
KICKSHAW n. a fancy dish, a delicacy; a trinket, also KICKSHAWS.
RICKSHAWSrickshaws n. Plural of rickshaw.
'rickshaws n. Plural of ’rickshaw.
RICKSHAW n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled hooded carriage drawn by a man or men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRICKSHAW, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
ROCKSHAFTrock␣shaft n. A shaft in a steam engine that oscillates instead of revolving.
ROCKSHAFT n. a shaft that rocks.
JACKSHAFTSjackshafts n. Plural of jackshaft.
JACKSHAFT n. an intermediate shaft e.g. between a motor and the wheels it drives.
JINRICKSHAjinricksha n. Alternative spelling of jinriksha.
JINRICKSHA n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHAW, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
ROCKSHAFTSrock␣shafts n. Plural of rock shaft.
ROCKSHAFT n. a shaft that rocks.
BRICKSHAPEDbrickshaped adj. Shaped like a brick.
brick-shaped adj. Alternative spelling of brickshaped.
BRICKSHAPED adj. shaped like a brick.
JINRICKSHASjinrickshas n. Plural of jinricksha.
JINRICKSHA n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHAW, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
JINRICKSHAWjinrickshaw n. Alternative form of jinriksha.
JINRICKSHAW n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
KICKSHAWSESKICKSHAWS n. KICKSHAW, a fancy dish, a delicacy; a trinket, also KICKSHAWS.
AUTORICKSHAWautorickshaw n. A motorized rickshaw of South Asia and East Asia, often available for hire in the manner of a taxi.
AUTORICKSHAW n. a light, three-wheeled vehicle powered by a motorcycle engine, used in India, etc.
JINRICKSHAWSjinrickshaws n. Plural of jinrickshaw.
JINRICKSHAW n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRIKISHA, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
AUTORICKSHAWSautorickshaws n. Plural of autorickshaw.
AUTORICKSHAW n. a light, three-wheeled vehicle powered by a motorcycle engine, used in India, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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