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There are 18 words containing CKERY

HACKERYhackery n. (Obsolete) A two-wheeled cart used in Asia.
hackery n. (Slang, chiefly derogatory) Advocacy of a position when motivated by political allegiance, public relations…
hackery n. (Slang, computing) The use of hacks (ingenious but inelegant techniques).
HUCKERYHUCKERY adj. (New Zealand colloquial) ugly.
MICKERYmickery n. (Australia) A soak dug into the ground.
MICKERY n. (Native Australian) a well or waterhole, esp. in a dry riverbed.
MOCKERYmockery n. The action of mocking; ridicule, derision.
mockery n. Something so lacking in necessary qualities as to inspire ridicule; a laughing-stock.
mockery n. (Obsolete) Something insultingly imitative; an offensively futile action, gesture etc.
PICKERYpickery n. A place where cotton is picked.
pickery n. (Scotland) petty theft.
PICKERY n. pilfering.
PUCKERYpuckery adj. Very sour, so that the lips pucker.
puckery adj. Inclined to become puckered or wrinkled; full of puckers or wrinkles.
PUCKERY adj. astringent; tending to wrinkle.
ROCKERYrockery n. A section of a garden made from decorative rocks and alpine plants.
rockery n. A natural area where many seals breed.
ROCKERY n. a rock garden.
CROCKERYcrockery n. Crocks or earthenware vessels, especially domestic utensils, collectively.
crockery n. Dishes, plates, and similar tableware collectively, usually made of some ceramic material, used for…
CROCKERY n. domestic pottery.
FLACKERYflackery n. The aggressive public relations activity associated with press agents.
FLACKERY n. publicity.
FLICKERYflickery adj. Seeming to flicker; unsteady.
FLICKERY adj. given to flickering.
KNACKERYknackery adj. Something to do with knackers.
knackery adj. Scummy (behaviour).
knackery n. The workplace of a knacker; a knacker’s yard.
QUACKERYquackery n. (Law, medicine, uncountable) The practice of fraudulent medicine, usually in order to make money or…
quackery n. (Countable) An instance of practicing fraudulent medicine.
QUACKERY n. the practise of a charlatan, also QUACKISM.
SNICKERYsnickery adj. Resembling or characterized by snickers.
SNICKERY adj. tending to snicker.
TRICKERYtrickery n. (Uncountable) Deception or underhanded behavior.
trickery n. (Uncountable) The art of dressing up; imposture.
trickery n. (Uncountable) Artifice; the use of one or more stratagems.
HENPECKERYhenpeckery n. Henpecking behaviour.
HENPECKERY n. the practice of henpecking, nagging.
PEACOCKERYpeacockery n. Gaudy showiness; ostentation.
PEACOCKERY n. vain ostentation.
COMSTOCKERYcomstockery n. (US) Censorship of literature and performances because of especially broad definitions of obscenity or immorality.
COMSTOCKERY n. overzealous censorship of material considered obscene, also COMSTOCKISM.
GIMCRACKERYgimcrackery n. Tastelessness.
GIMCRACKERY n. the state of being gimcrack.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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