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There are 17 words containing CHOIC

ANECHOICanechoic adj. (Acoustics) Lacking echoes; that absorbs sound.
ANECHOIC adj. free from echoes and reverberations.
ANTICHOICEantichoice adj. Alternative form of anti-choice.
anti-choice adj. (Derogatory, dysphemistic) Not pro-choice; opposed to the individual’s choice, especially of abortion or euthanasia.
ANTICHOICE adj. opposed to abortion.
ANTICHOICERantichoicer n. Alternative form of anti-choicer.
anti-choicer n. (Informal, derogatory, dysphemistic) One who opposes pro-choice views.
ANTICHOICER n. one opposed to choice, especially in the matter of abortion.
ANTICHOICERSantichoicers n. Plural of antichoicer.
anti-choicers n. Plural of anti-choicer.
ANTICHOICER n. one opposed to choice, especially in the matter of abortion.
CHOICEchoice n. An option; a decision; an opportunity to choose or select something.
choice n. (Uncountable) The power to choose.
choice n. One selection or preference; that which is chosen or decided; the outcome of a decision.
CHOICEFULchoiceful adj. Having the opportunity to choose or make choices; abounding in choices.
choiceful adj. (Obsolete) Making choices; fickle.
CHOICEFUL adj. (archaic) making choices, fickle.
CHOICELYchoicely adv. With care in choosing; with attention to preference.
choicely adv. In a preferable or excellent manner; eminently.
CHOICE adv. of fine quality.
CHOICENESSchoiceness n. The condition of being choice.
CHOICENESS n. the quality of being of particular value or worth.
CHOICENESSESchoicenesses n. Plural of choiceness.
CHOICENESS n. the quality of being of particular value or worth.
CHOICERchoicer adj. Comparative form of choice: more choice.
CHOICE adj. of fine quality.
CHOICESchoices n. Plural of choice.
CHOICE n. the thing chosen.
CHOICESTchoicest adj. Superlative form of choice: most choice.
CHOICE adj. of fine quality.
ECHOICechoic adj. Of or pertaining to an echo.
echoic adj. Imitative of a sound; onomatopoeic.
ECHOIC adj. resembling an echo.
ECHOICALLYechoically adv. In an echoic manner.
ECHOIC adv. resembling an echo.
MISCHOICEmischoice n. A bad or incorrect choice.
MISCHOICE n. a wrong choice.
MISCHOICESmischoices n. Plural of mischoice.
MISCHOICE n. a wrong choice.
PROCHOICEprochoice adj. Alternative spelling of pro-choice.
pro-choice adj. (Public policy, law, ethics) Supportive of a person’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion.
pro-choice adj. (Public policy, law, ethics) Supportive of a person’s right to choose whether or not to end their life…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 103 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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