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There are 9 words containing CHALO

CHALOTchalot n. Plural of chalah.
CHALAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH, HALLAH.
CHALONEchalone n. (Biochemistry) Any of several polypeptide hormones that reversibly inhibit mitosis in the tissues that produce them.
CHALONE n. one of a group of chemicals occurring in animal tissue.
CHALOTHchaloth n. Plural of chalah.
CHALAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH, HALLAH.
CACHALOTcachalot n. The sperm whale.
CACHALOT n. (French) a large whale, also CACHOLOT.
CHALONESchalones n. Plural of chalone.
CHALONE n. one of a group of chemicals occurring in animal tissue.
CHALONICchalonic adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to the chalones.
CHALONIC adj. relating to a chalone, one of a group of chemicals occurring in animal tissue.
ESCHALOTeschalot n. Archaic form of shallot.
ESCHALOT n. (French) an onion with garlic-flavoured bulbs, also SHALLOT, SHALOT.
CACHALOTScachalots n. Plural of cachalot.
CACHALOT n. (French) a large whale, also CACHOLOT.
ESCHALOTSeschalots n. Plural of eschalot.
ESCHALOT n. (French) an onion with garlic-flavoured bulbs, also SHALLOT, SHALOT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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