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There are 13 words containing CASSO

CASSOCKcassock n. An item of clerical clothing: a long, sheath-like, close-fitting, ankle-length robe worn by clergy members…
cassock n. (Obsolete) A military cloak or long coat worn by soldiers or horsemen in the 16th and 17th centuries.
cassock n. (Obsolete) A coarse, loose cloak or gown, worn by women, sailors, shepherds, countryfolk etc.
CASSOCKEDcassocked adj. Dressed in a cassock.
cassocked adj. Dressed in many cassocks.
CASSOCKED adj. wearing a cassock.
CASSOCKScassocks n. Plural of cassock.
CASSOCK n. a close-fitting ankle-length clergyman's garment.
CASSOLETTEcassolette n. (Countable) A box or vase with a perforated cover to emit perfumes.
cassolette n. The natural scent of a woman.
CASSOLETTE n. (French) a perfume-box with perforated lid.
CASSOLETTEScassolettes n. Plural of cassolette.
CASSOLETTE n. (French) a perfume-box with perforated lid.
CASSONADEcassonade n. Raw unrefined sugar.
CASSONADE n. (French) unrefined cane-sugar (imported in casks).
CASSONADEScassonades n. Plural of cassonade.
CASSONADE n. (French) unrefined cane-sugar (imported in casks).
CASSONEcassone n. A highly-decorated traditional Italian dowry chest.
CASSONE n. (Italian) a large chest, carved and painted.
CASSONEScassones n. Plural of cassone.
CASSONE n. (Italian) a large chest, carved and painted.
CASSOULETcassoulet n. A rich stew originating in southwest France containing beans and meat.
CASSOULET n. (French) a French stew consisting of haricot beans, onions, herbs etc.
CASSOULETScassoulets n. Plural of cassoulet.
CASSOULET n. (French) a French stew consisting of haricot beans, onions, herbs etc.
CASSOWARIEScassowaries n. Plural of cassowary.
CASSOWARY n. (Malay) any large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius, related to the emu.
CASSOWARYcassowary n. A large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius that is native to Australia and New Guinea, has a characteristic…
CASSOWARY n. (Malay) any large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius, related to the emu.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 23 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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