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There are 16 words containing CASEM

CASEMANcaseman n. (Slang) A person who examines a building to determine whether it is worth burgling.
caseman n. (Typography, historical) A compositor; a typesetter.
CASEMAN n. a compositor.
CASEMENcasemen n. Plural of caseman.
CASEMAN n. a compositor.
CASEMIXcasemix n. Alternative form of case mix.
case␣mix n. (Medicine) A group of statistically related patients considered together for purposes of classification.
CASEMIX n. a database system for storing information about medical patients.
CASEMATEcasemate n. (Military) A bombproof chamber, usually of masonry, in which cannon may be placed, to be fired through…
casemate n. (Architecture) A hollow molding, chiefly in cornices.
CASEMATE n. a bombproof chamber or armoured compartment.
CASEMENTcasement n. A window sash that is hinged on the side.
casement n. A window having such sashes; a casement window.Wp.
casement n. (Military) Occasionally seen as a usage error due to the similarity of the words: A casemate.
CASEMAKERcasemaker n. One who manufactures cases.
CASEMAKER n. a person who makes covers for books.
CASEMATEDcasemated adj. Furnished with, protected by, or built like a casemate.
CASEMATED adj. furnished with, protected by, or built like, a casemate.
CASEMATEScasemates n. Plural of casemate.
CASEMATE n. a bombproof chamber or armoured compartment.
CASEMENTScasements n. Plural of casement.
Casements prop.n. Plural of Casement.
CASEMENT n. a vertically-hinged frame with glass forming (part of) a window.
CASEMIXEScasemixes n. Plural of casemix.
case␣mixes n. Plural of case mix.
CASEMIX n. a database system for storing information about medical patients.
CASEMAKERScasemakers n. Plural of casemaker.
CASEMAKER n. a person who makes covers for books.
CASEMENTEDcasemented adj. Having a casement or casements.
CASEMENTED adj. having casements.
ENCASEMENTencasement n. The act of encasing or something that encases.
encasement n. (Genetics) The early genetic theory of emboîtement.
ENCASEMENT n. the act of encasing; also, that which encases.
INCASEMENTincasement n. Archaic form of encasement.
INCASEMENT n. the act of incasing.
ENCASEMENTSencasements n. Plural of encasement.
ENCASEMENT n. the act of encasing; also, that which encases.
INCASEMENTSINCASEMENT n. the act of incasing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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