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There are 8 words containing CARTI

CARTILAGEcartilage n. (Anatomy, uncountable) A usually translucent and somewhat elastic, dense, nonvascular connective tissue…
cartilage n. (Anatomy, countable) A particular structure made of cartilage.
CARTILAGE n. gristle, a firm pearly white substance forming the embryonic skeleton of vertebrates (temporary cartilage) converted into bone in adults.
CARTILAGEScartilages n. Plural of cartilage.
CARTILAGE n. gristle, a firm pearly white substance forming the embryonic skeleton of vertebrates (temporary cartilage) converted into bone in adults.
CARTILAGINOUScartilaginous adj. (Anatomy) Comprising soft cartilage rather than bone.
cartilaginous adj. (Mycology) Having a tough or fibrous texture, usually in reference to a mushroom stipe.
CARTILAGINOUS adj. hard, tough, like cartilage.
CARTINGcarting v. Present participle of cart.
carting n. The transporting of someone in a cart through the streets as part of a public punishment or humiliation.
CART v. to convey in a two wheeled vehicle.
FIBROCARTILAGEfibrocartilage n. A tough form of cartilage that has a matrix of dense bundles of fibres.
FIBROCARTILAGE n. cartilage with embedded fibres.
FIBROCARTILAGESfibrocartilages n. Plural of fibrocartilage.
FIBROCARTILAGE n. cartilage with embedded fibres.
SCARTINGscarting v. Present participle of scart.
SCART v. to scratch, scrape, also SCRAT.
UNCARTINGuncarting v. Present participle of uncart.
UNCART v. to take off a cart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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