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There are 11 words containing CALVA

CALVADOScalvados n. (Uncountable) An apple brandy made in Normandy, France.
calvados n. (Countable) A glass of this spirit.
Calvados prop.n. A department of Normandy, France.
CALVADOSEScalvadoses n. Plural of calvados.
CALVADOS n. (French) a dry apple brandy.
CALVARIAcalvaria n. (Anatomy) The dome or roof of the skull, the skullcap.
CALVARIA n. the upper part of the skull enclosing the brain in vertebrates, also CALVARIUM.
CALVARIAEcalvariae n. Plural of calvaria.
CALVARIA n. the upper part of the skull enclosing the brain in vertebrates, also CALVARIUM.
CALVARIALcalvarial adj. Of or pertaining to the calvaria.
CALVARIAL adj. relating to the calvarium, the upper skull, also CALVARIAN.
CALVARIANcalvarian adj. Alternative form of calvarial.
CALVARIAN adj. relating to the calvarium, the upper skull, also CALVARIAL.
CALVARIAScalvarias n. Plural of calvaria.
CALVARIA n. the upper part of the skull enclosing the brain in vertebrates, also CALVARIUM.
CALVARIEScalvaries n. Plural of calvary.
CALVARY n. a place or occasion of severe trial, anguish, or suffering.
CALVARIUMcalvarium n. (Anatomy) The upper, domelike portion of the skull (without the lower jaw).
CALVARIUM n. (Latin) the dome of the skull.
CALVARIUMScalvariums n. Plural of calvarium.
CALVARIUM n. (Latin) the dome of the skull.
CALVARYcalvary n. A life-size representation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on a piece of raised ground.
calvary n. A series of representations of Christ’s Passion in a church.
calvary n. A type of monumental public Christian cross, sometimes encased in an open shrine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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