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There are 7 words containing CALDE

ALCALDEalcalde n. In Spain or Latin America, a municipal magistrate who has both judicial and administrative functions.
Alcalde prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ALCALDE n. (Arabic) the mayor of a Spanish town, also ALCADE.
CALDERAcaldera n. (Volcanology) A large crater formed by collapse of the cone or edifice of a volcano.
Caldera prop.n. A city, a port and commune in Copiapó province, Atacama region, northern Chile.
Caldera prop.n. A corregimiento in Boquete district, Chiriquí province, Panama.
SCALDEDscalded v. Simple past tense and past participle of scald.
SCALD v. to burn with hot liquid or steam, also SCAUD.
SCALDERscalder n. A heated tub for softening the skin of slaughtered pigs, poultry, etc.
scalder n. An ancient Nordic poet; a skald.
SCALDER n. that which scalds.
ALCALDESalcaldes n. Plural of alcalde.
Alcaldes prop.n. Plural of Alcalde.
ALCALDE n. (Arabic) the mayor of a Spanish town, also ALCADE.
CALDERAScalderas n. Plural of caldera.
CALDERA n. (Spanish) a large, basin-shaped volcanic depression, more or less circular in form.
SCALDERSscalders n. Plural of scalder.
SCALDER n. that which scalds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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