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There are 15 words containing CAILL

CAILLECAILLE n. (French) in cooking, a quail.
CAILLESCAILLE n. (French) in cooking, a quail.
CAILLACHcaillach n. Alternative form of cailleach.
CAILLACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLEACH, CAILLIACH.
ROCAILLErocaille n. Artificial rockwork made of rough stones and cement, as for gardens.
rocaille n. The rococo system of scroll ornament, based in part on the forms of shells and water-worn rocks.
rocaille n. A seed bead.
CAILLACHScaillachs n. Plural of caillach.
CAILLACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLEACH, CAILLIACH.
CAILLEACHcailleach n. (Scotland) An old woman.
CAILLEACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLACH, CAILLIACH.
CAILLIACHcailliach n. Alternative form of cailleach.
CAILLIACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLACH, CAILLEACH.
RASCAILLErascaille n. A rascal.
rascaille n. A rabble or mob.
RASCAILLE n. (archaic) an archaic form of rascal, in the sense of rabble.
ROCAILLESrocailles n. Plural of rocaille.
ROCAILLE n. (French) artificial rockwork or similar ornament.
CAILLEACHScailleachs n. Plural of cailleach.
CAILLEACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLACH, CAILLIACH.
CAILLIACHScailliachs n. Plural of cailliach.
CAILLIACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLACH, CAILLEACH.
RASCAILLESrascailles n. Plural of rascaille.
RASCAILLE n. (archaic) an archaic form of rascal, in the sense of rabble.
CAPERCAILLIEcapercaillie n. A large, black grouse of the genus Tetrao in the bird family Phasianidae, especially the western capercaillie…
CAPERCAILLIE n. (Gaelic) a large Scottish bird of the grouse family, also CAPERCAILZIE.
CAPERCAILLIEScapercaillies n. Plural of capercaillie.
CAPERCAILLIE n. (Gaelic) a large Scottish bird of the grouse family, also CAPERCAILZIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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