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There are 11 nine-letter words containing CRIPT

ADSCRIPTSadscripts n. Plural of adscript.
ADSCRIPT n. (historical) a feudal serf attached to the soil.
CONSCRIPTconscript n. One who is compulsorily enrolled, often into a military service; a draftee.
conscript adj. Drafted into a military service or similar.
conscript adj. Enrolled; written; registered.
COSCRIPTScoscripts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of coscript.
COSCRIPT v. to collaborate in writing a script.
PRESCRIPTprescript n. Something prescribed; a rule, regulation or dictate.
prescript n. (Obsolete) A medical prescription.
prescript adj. Directed; prescribed.
PROSCRIPTproscript n. A proscription; a prohibition; an interdict.
proscript n. One who is proscribed.
PROSCRIPT n. a person who is proscribed.
RESCRIPTSrescripts n. Plural of rescript.
RESCRIPT v. to issue a papal edict or decree.
SCRIPTERSscripters n. Plural of scripter.
SCRIPTER n. one who scripts.
SCRIPTINGscripting n. The act by which something is scripted.
scripting v. Present participle of script.
SCRIPT v. to prepare a written text for a play.
SCRIPTORYscriptory adj. Of or pertaining to writing; expressed or used in writing.
SCRIPTORY adj. by, in or relating to writing.
SCRIPTUREscripture n. A sacred writing or holy book.
scripture n. (By extension) An authoritative statement.
Scripture n. The foundational text of a given religion, or a text considered especially holy.
SUBSCRIPTsubscript n. (Typography) A type of lettering form written lower than the things around it.
subscript n. (Programming) An index into an array or hash.
subscript v. (Mathematics, sciences, typography, transitive, of a variable) To provide with a subscript.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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