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There are 19 nine-letter words containing CRACK

ANTICRACKanticrack adj. Preventing cracks in a structure.
anticrack adj. Opposing crack cocaine.
anticrack n. Volumetric collapse caused by compression, leading to localization of compaction or compacting shear bands.
CRACKBACKcrackback n. (American football) A block in which the blocker, positioned wide, blocks back towards where the ball was snapped.
CRACKBACK n. in American football, an illegal block made by an offensive player.
CRACKDOWNcrackdown n. Abruptly stern measures or disciplinary action; increased enforcement.
crack␣down v. (Idiomatic, often with ’on’) To take harsh action (against), as when enforcing a law more stringently than before.
CRACKDOWN n. the taking of a firm action.
CRACKHEADcrackhead n. (Derogatory, slang) A person who is addicted to or regularly uses crack cocaine.
crackhead n. (Derogatory, slang, US) Someone whose thinking makes no sense; a fool or an idiot.
crack␣head n. Alternative spelling of crackhead.
CRACKIESTcrackiest adj. Superlative form of cracky: most cracky.
CRACKY adj. full of cracks.
CRACKINGScrackings n. Plural of cracking.
CRACKING n. a chemical process.
CRACKJAWSCRACKJAW n. a word which is hard to pronounce.
CRACKLIERcracklier adj. Comparative form of crackly: more crackly.
CRACKLY adj. making a crackling noise.
CRACKLINGcrackling n. (Cooking, often in the plural, US) Fat that, after roasting a joint, hardens and crispens.
crackling n. (Cooking, in the singular in Britain) The crispy rind of roast pork.
crackling n. (Cooking, countable) A crispy, fried skin or rind, especially of pork.
CRACKNELScracknels n. Plural of cracknel.
CRACKNEL n. a hard, crisp biscuit.
CRACKPOTScrackpots n. Plural of crackpot.
CRACKPOT n. an eccentric person.
CRACKSMANcracksman n. (Archaic, informal) A burglar or safebreaker.
CRACKSMAN n. a safe-breaker.
CRACKSMENcracksmen n. Plural of cracksman.
CRACKSMAN n. a safe-breaker.
GIMCRACKSgimcracks n. Plural of gimcrack.
gimcracks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gimcrack.
GIMCRACK n. something cheap and showy, of little use, also JIMCRACK.
JIMCRACKSjimcracks n. Plural of jimcrack.
JIMCRACK n. something cheap and showy, of little use, also GIMCRACK.
SANDCRACKsandcrack n. Alternative form of sand crack.
sand␣crack n. A vertical fissure in the wall of a horse’s hoof; a quarter crack.
sand␣crack n. A crack in a moulded brick before burning.
UNCRACKEDuncracked adj. Not cracked (in various senses).
UNCRACKED adj. not cracked.
WHIPCRACKwhipcrack n. The crack of a whip.
WHIPCRACK n. a sound made by a whip.
WISECRACKwisecrack n. A witty or sarcastic comment or quip.
wisecrack v. To make a sarcastic, flippant, or sardonic comment.
WISECRACK n. a pungent comment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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