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There are 12 nine-letter words containing CHARI

ANACHARISanacharis n. (Obsolete) A freshwater weed of the frog’s-bit family (Hydrocharitaceae), native to America; the waterweed…
Anacharis prop.n. (Obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Hydrocharitaceae – the waterweeds, now principally Elodea.
ANACHARIS n. a freshwater weed of the frogbit family, native to America.
CHARIDEESCHARIDEE n. a jocular word for charity, also CHARITY.
CHARINESSchariness n. The condition of being chary; caution.
CHARINESS n. caution, wariness.
CHARIOTEDcharioted adj. Furnished with, or located in, a chariot.
CHARIOT v. to ride in a two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle.
CHARISMAScharismas n. Plural of charisma.
CHARISMA n. (Greek) a special magnetic appeal, also CHARISM.
CHARITIEScharities n. Plural of charity.
CHARITY n. universal love.
CHARIVARIcharivari n. The noisy banging of pots and pans as a mock serenade to a newly married couple, or similar occasion.
charivari n. (By extension) Any loud, cacophonous noise or hubbub.
CHARIVARI n. (French) a cacophonous mock-serenade performed for a wedding.
SACCHARICsaccharic adj. Of, relating to, or derived from saccharine substances.
SACCHARIC adj. of or obtained from saccharin.
SACCHARINsaccharin n. (Chemistry) a white, crystalline powder, C7H5NO3S, used as an artificial sweetener in food products.
SACCHARIN n. an artificial sweetener, also SACCHARINE.
STICHARIAsticharia n. Plural of sticharion.
STICHARION n. a vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests.
UNCHARIERUNCHARY adj. not chary.
UNCHARITYuncharity n. Absence of charity.
UNCHARITY n. uncharitableness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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