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There are 11 nine-letter words containing CANCE

CANCELBOTcancelbot n. (Internet) A bot that sends messages to Usenet newsgroups to remove certain postings, especially spam.
CANCELBOT n. a computer program that identifies and deletes unwanted articles sent to an Internet newsgroup.
CANCELEERcanceleer n. A hawk’s turning motion in midair, often to make a second stoop toward missed prey.
CANCELEER n. (Scott) the turn of a hawk upon the wing to recover herself, when she misses her aim in the stoop.
CANCELEER v. to make such a turn, also CANCELIER.
CANCELERScancelers n. Plural of canceler.
CANCELER n. one who cancels, also CANCELLER.
CANCELIERcancelier v. (Intransitive, of a bird of prey) To turn in flight.
CANCELIER n. (Scott) the turn of a hawk upon the wing to recover herself, when she misses her aim in the stoop.
CANCELIER v. to make such a turn, also CANCELEER.
CANCELINGcanceling v. Present participle of cancel.
CANCEL v. to cause not to happen.
CANCELLEDcancelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of cancel.
cancelled adj. No longer planned or scheduled.
cancelled adj. (Of a mail item) Marked over the stamp, to show that the stamp has been used.
CANCELLERcanceller n. Alternative form of canceler.
CANCELLER n. one who cancels, also CANCELER.
CANCERATEcancerate v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To grow into a cancer; to become cancerous.
CANCERATE v. to grow into a cancer; to become cancerous.
CANCEROUScancerous adj. (Oncology) Relating to or affected with cancer.
cancerous adj. (Figuratively) Growing or spreading rapidly to the point of harm.
cancerous adj. (Slang) Extremely unpleasant; detestable.
PRECANCELprecancel v. (Transitive) To cancel or frank (a postage stamp) prior to posting it.
precancel n. A postage stamp or mail item that has been precancelled.
PRECANCEL v. to cancel in advance.
PRECANCERprecancer adj. Before the onset of cancer.
precancer n. An incipient form of cancer that may become malignant if not treated.
PRECANCER adj. preceding cancer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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