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There are 9 nine-letter words containing CALIN

DESCALINGdescaling v. Present participle of descale.
descaling n. The removal of scale from the surface of a metal, especially from the inner surfaces of boilers etc.
DESCALE v. to remove scales from fish.
MESCALINEmescaline n. (Biochemistry) A hallucinogenic and intoxicating compound present in the peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii)…
MESCALINE n. the principal alkaloid in mescal, used as a hallucinogen, also MESCALIN, MEZCALINE.
MESCALINSMESCALIN n. the principal alkaloid in mescal, used as a hallucinogen, also MESCALINE, MEZCALINE.
MEZCALINEmezcaline n. Alternative form of mescaline.
MEZCALINE n. the principal alkaloid in mescal, used as a hallucinogen, also MESCALIN, MESCALINE.
PERCALINEpercaline n. A fine kind of French cotton goods, usually of one colour.
PERCALINE n. (French) a glossy lightweight cotton.
RESCALINGrescaling v. Present participle of rescale.
rescaling n. The process of changing the scale or proportions of something.
RESCALE v. to plan to a new scale.
SCALINESSscaliness n. The state of being scaly, the state of having scales.
SCALINESS n. the state of being scaly.
UNSCALINGunscaling v. Present participle of unscale.
UNSCALE v. to remove the scales from.
UPSCALINGupscaling v. Present participle of upscale.
upscaling n. The act by which something is upscaled; an increase in size or numbers.
UPSCALE v. to appeal to wealthy customers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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