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There are 13 eight-letter words containing CHANT

BACCHANTbacchant n. A priest of Bacchus.
bacchant n. A bacchanal; a drunken reveler.
bacchant adj. Fond of drunken revelry; wine-loving; reveling; carousing.
CHANTAGEchantage n. Blackmail; the extortion of money by threats of scandalous revelations.
CHANTAGE n. (French) blackmail to prevent exposure of scandalous facts.
CHANTERSchanters n. Plural of chanter.
CHANTER n. one who chants, also CHANTOR.
CHANTEYSchanteys n. Plural of chantey.
CHANTEY n. a song sung by sailors as they worked, also CHANTIE, CHANTY, SHANTEY, SHANTY.
CHANTIESchanties n. Plural of chanty.
chanties n. Plural of chantie.
CHANTIE n. a song sung by sailors as they worked, also CHANTEY, CHANTY, SHANTEY, SHANTY.
CHANTINGchanting v. Present participle of chant.
chanting n. Singing, especially as a chant is sung.
CHANTING adj. singing.
CHANTORSchantors n. Plural of chantor.
CHANTOR n. one who chants, also CHANTER.
COUCHANTcouchant adj. (Of an animal) Lying with belly down and front legs extended; crouching.
couchant adj. (Heraldry) Represented as crouching with the head raised.
COUCHANT adj. in heraldry, lying on the belly with head lifted.
ENCHANTSenchants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enchant.
ENCHANT v. to delight.
ETCHANTSetchants n. Plural of etchant.
ETCHANT n. an acid used in etching.
MERCHANTmerchant n. A person who traffics in commodities for profit.
merchant n. The owner or operator of a retail business.
merchant n. A trading vessel; a merchantman.
PENCHANTpenchant n. Taste, liking, or inclination (for).
penchant n. (Card games, uncountable) A card game resembling bezique.
penchant n. (Card games) In the game of penchant, any queen and jack of different suits held at the same time.
SCHANTZEschantze n. (Obsolete) A type of stone fortification.
SCHANTZE n. (South African) a heap of stones used as protection against rifle-fire, also SCHANSE, SCHANZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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