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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing CIENT

ANCIENTNESSancientness n. The state or quality of being ancient.
ANCIENTNESS n. the quality of being ancient.
ANCIENTRIESancientries n. Plural of ancientry.
ANCIENTRY n. (archaic) the state of being ancient; old people collectively.
CALEFACIENTcalefacient adj. (Obsolete) having heating or warming effects.
calefacient n. (Obsolete) A medical agent or substance which produces a feeling of warmth when applied to the body.
CALEFACIENT n. a substance (e.g. mustard) that produces a sensation of warmth when applied to a part of the body.
COEFFICIENTcoefficient adj. Cooperating.
coefficient n. (Mathematics) A constant by which an algebraic term is multiplied.
coefficient n. A number, value, or item that serves as a measure of some property or characteristic.
DEFICIENTLYdeficiently adv. In a deficient manner.
DEFICIENT adv. lacking.
EFFICIENTLYefficiently adv. In an efficient manner.
EFFICIENT adv. capable of doing what may be required.
INCONSCIENTINCONSCIENT adj. unconscious; abstracted.
INEFFICIENTinefficient adj. Not efficient; not producing the effect intended or desired; inefficacious.
inefficient adj. Incapable of, or indisposed to, effective action; habitually slack or unproductive; effecting little or nothing.
inefficient n. A person who cannot or does not work efficiently.
PERFICIENTSperficients n. Plural of perficient.
PERFICIENT n. someone who or something that accomplishes or completes a task, etc.
PRESCIENTLYpresciently adv. In a prescient manner.
PRESCIENT adv. having foresight or knowledge of what will happen, also PRESCIOUS.
PROFICIENTSproficients n. Plural of proficient.
PROFICIENT n. one who is proficient.
RUBEFACIENTrubefacient adj. Making red.
rubefacient n. (Medicine) A substance for topical application that produces redness of the skin, e.g. by dilating the capillaries.
RUBEFACIENT n. an agent that is a gentle irritant producing increased blood circulation and reddening of the skin where it is applied.
SCIENTISINGscientising v. Present participle of scientise.
SCIENTISE v. to treat in a scientific way, also SCIENTIZE.
SCIENTISTICscientistic adj. Of, pertaining to, advocating, or acting in accordance with scientism.
SCIENTISTIC adj. like a scientist.
SCIENTIZINGscientizing v. Present participle of scientize.
SCIENTIZE v. to treat in a scientific way, also SCIENTISE.
SUFFICIENTSSUFFICIENT n. something sufficient.
TUMEFACIENTtumefacient adj. Producing swelling or tumescence; making tumescent; tumefying.
TUMEFACIENT adj. causing swelling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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