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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing CANTA

ALMACANTARSalmacantars n. Plural of almacantar.
ALMACANTAR n. (Arabic) a circle of altitude, parallel to the horizon, also ALMUCANTAR.
ALMUCANTARSalmucantars n. Plural of almucantar.
ALMUCANTAR n. (Arabic) a circle of altitude, parallel to the horizon, also ALMACANTAR.
CANTALOUPEScantaloupes n. Plural of cantaloupe.
CANTALOUPE n. (Italian) a small musk melon with a ribbed skin, also CANTALOUP.
CANTATRICEScantatrices n. Plural of cantatrice.
CANTATRICE n. (Italian) a female singer.
DECANTATINGdecantating v. Present participle of decantate.
DECANTATE v. (obsolete) to chant or say repeatedly.
DECANTATIONdecantation n. The act of decanting the supernatant liquid from a solid sediment.
DECANTATION n. the act of decanting.
INCANTATIONincantation n. The act or process of using formulas and/or usually rhyming words, sung or spoken, with occult ceremonies…
incantation n. A formula of words used as above.
incantation n. (Computing, slang) Any esoteric command or procedure.
INCANTATORSincantators n. Plural of incantator.
INCANTATOR n. one who utters incantations.
INCANTATORYincantatory adj. Constituting, employing, dealing with, or suitable for use in incantation.
INCANTATORY adj. of or like an incantation.
MARCANTANTSMARCANTANT n. (Shakespeare) a merchant.
RECANTATIONrecantation n. The act of recanting or something recanted.
RECANTATION n. the act of recanting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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