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There are 9 ten-letter words containing CLINI

CLINICALLYclinically adv. In a clinical manner; dispassionately or analytically.
clinically adv. In the setting of a medical clinic; in a clinical setting.
clinically adv. At a person’s bedside.
CLINICIANSclinicians n. Plural of clinician.
CLINICIAN n. a doctor having direct contact with and responsibility for patients.
DECLINISTSdeclinists n. Plural of declinist.
DECLINIST n. a person who believes that something is in decline.
DICLINISMSDICLINISM n. the state of having two stamens and pistils, also DICLINY.
INCLININGSinclinings n. Plural of inclining.
INCLINING n. an inclination, a following.
ISOCLINICSisoclinics n. Plural of isoclinic.
ISOCLINIC n. a line on a map connecting points of same magnetic dip, also ISOCLINAL.
MONOCLINICmonoclinic adj. (Crystallography) Having three unequal axes with two perpendicular and one oblique intersections.
MONOCLINIC adj. referable to three unequal axes, two intersecting each other obliquely and at right angles to the third.
POLYCLINICpolyclinic n. A usually private clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated.
POLYCLINIC n. a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated; esp. an institution in which clinical instruction is given in all kinds of disease.
TRICLINIUMtriclinium n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) A couch for reclining at mealtimes, extending round three sides of a table…
triclinium n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) A dining room furnished with such a triple couch.
TRICLINIUM n. (Latin) a couch for reclining at meals, extending round three sides of a table, and usually in three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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