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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing CIDEN

ACCIDENCESaccidences n. Plural of accidence.
ACCIDENCE n. the science of inflections in grammar.
ACCIDENTALaccidental adj. Pertaining to accident and not essence; thus, inessential; incidental; secondary.
accidental adj. (Music) Adjusted by one or two semitones, in temporary departure from the key signature.
accidental adj. Occurring sometimes, by chance; occasional.
ACCIDENTEDaccidented adj. (Possessional) Having had an accident.
accidented adj. That has an uneven or undulating surface.
ACCIDENTED adj. uneven, varied.
ACCIDENTLYaccidently adv. (Now nonstandard) Accidentally; by chance, unintentionally.
ACCIDENTLY adv. by chance.
COINCIDENTcoincident adj. (Of two events) Occurring at the same time.
coincident adj. (Of two objects) Being in the same location.
coincident adj. Being in accordance, matching.
INCIDENCESincidences n. Plural of incidence.
INCIDENCE n. the frequency of an event.
INCIDENTALincidental adj. Loosely associated; of limited relevance except indirectly; only accidentally related.
incidental adj. Existing tangentially, being a byproduct, a tangent, or a likely consequence.
incidental adj. Occurring by chance.
OCCIDENTALoccidental adj. Of, pertaining to, or situated in, the occident, or west; western.
occidental adj. Of a gem or precious stone: of inferior value or quality.
occidental n. A Western Christian of the Latin rite.
PROCIDENCEprocidence n. (Medicine) A falling down; a prolapsus.
PROCIDENCE n. prolapse.
SORICIDENTSORICIDENT adj. having teeth like a shrew's.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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