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There are 9 ten-letter words containing CENTA

APLACENTALaplacental adj. (Zoology) Lacking a placenta; belonging to the Aplacentata.
APLACENTAL adj. having no placenta.
BUCENTAURSbucentaurs n. Plural of bucentaur.
BUCENTAUR n. (Italian) a state barge of Venice from which the Doge dropped a ring into the sea.
CENTAUREAScentaureas n. Plural of centaurea.
CENTAUREA n. a large genus of composite plants, related to the thistles and including the cornflower or bluebottle.
CENTAURIANcentaurian adj. Pertaining to or reminiscent of a centaur.
Centaurian adj. (Chiefly science fiction) Pertaining to the constellation Centaurus or its imagined inhabitants.
Centaurian n. (Science fiction) An inhabitant of the constellation Centaurus.
CENTAURIEScentauries n. Plural of centaury.
CENTAURY n. a plant of the genus Centaurium, of the gentian family, usually with pink flowers.
ONOCENTAURonocentaur n. A centaur with the body of an ass, instead of a prototypical horse.
ONOCENTAUR n. a kind of centaur, half-man and half-ass.
PERCENTAGEpercentage n. The amount, number or rate of something, regarded as part of a total of 100; a part of a whole.
percentage n. A share of the sales, profits, gross margin or similar.
percentage n. (Informal) Benefit or advantage.
PLACENTALSplacentals n. Plural of placental.
PLACENTAL n. a placental mammal.
PLACENTATEplacentate adj. Having a placenta.
PLACENTATE adj. having a placenta.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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