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There are 20 words containing CUPP

CUPPAcuppa n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) A cup of tea (or sometimes any hot drink).
cuppa n. (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) Whatever interests or suits one; one’s cup of tea.
cuppa n. Pronunciation spelling of cup of.
CUPPYcuppy adj. Having the form of a cup.
cuppy adj. Having indentations or shallow depressions.
cuppy adj. (Of timber) Characterised by cup shakes.
CUPPAScuppas n. Plural of cuppa.
CUPPA n. (colloquial) a cup (esp. of tea).
CUPPEDcupped adj. In the shape of a cup; concave.
cupped v. Simple past tense and past participle of cup.
CUP v. to put into a small, open container.
CUPPERcupper n. (In combination) Someone with a specific bra size.
cupper n. (Slang) A coffee aficionado.
cupper n. (Obsolete) A cupbearer.
CUPPERScuppers n. Plural of cupper.
Cuppers prop.n. (Oxbridge, historically slang, now standard) Any one of several intercollegiate sporting competitions…
CUPPER n. a cupbearer.
CUPPIERCUPPY adj. cuplike.
CUPPINGcupping n. (Medicine, archaic) The operation of drawing blood to or from the surface of the person by forming a…
cupping n. (Medicine, archaic) A similar operation for drawing pus from an abscess.
cupping n. (Medicine) Fire cupping, a traditional therapeutic treatment called in which heated cupping glasses…
SCUPPERscupper n. (Nautical) A drainage hole on the deck of a ship.
scupper n. (Architecture) A similar opening in a wall or parapet that allows water to drain from a roof.
scupper v. (Britain) Thwart or destroy, especially something belonging or pertaining to another.
CUPPIESTCUPPY adj. cuplike.
CUPPINGScuppings n. Plural of cupping.
CUPPING n. in medicine, the application of cups from which the air has been withdrawn in order to bring the blood to the surface of the skin.
SCUPPAUGscuppaug n. A fish: the scup.
SCUPPAUG n. (Native American) a marine fish food, also SCUP.
SCUPPERSscuppers n. Plural of scupper.
scuppers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scupper.
SCUPPER v. to thwart, frustrate.
HICCUPPEDhiccupped v. Simple past tense and past participle of hiccup.
HICCUP v. to make a peculiar-sounding spasmodic inhalation, also HICCOUGH.
SCUPPAUGSscuppaugs n. Plural of scuppaug.
SCUPPAUG n. (Native American) a marine fish food, also SCUP.
SCUPPEREDscuppered v. Simple past tense and past participle of scupper.
SCUPPER v. to thwart, frustrate.
HICCUPPINGhiccupping v. Present participle of hiccup.
HICCUP v. to make a peculiar-sounding spasmodic inhalation, also HICCOUGH.
SCUPPERINGscuppering v. Present participle of scupper.
SCUPPER v. to thwart, frustrate.
SCUPPERNONGscuppernong n. A large greenish-bronze grape native to the Southeastern United States, a variety of the muscadine grape…
scuppernong n. A sweet, golden or amber-colored US wine made from this variety of grape.
SCUPPERNONG n. a native American grape from the region of the Scuppernong river; a sweet wine made from it.
SCUPPERNONGSscuppernongs n. Plural of scuppernong.
SCUPPERNONG n. a native American grape from the region of the Scuppernong river; a sweet wine made from it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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