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There are 13 words containing CUNE

CUNEIcunei n. Plural of cuneus.
CUNEUS n. a small wedge-shaped structure in the cerebral cortex.
CUNEALcuneal adj. Shaped like a wedge; cuneiform.
cuneal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the cuneus.
CUNEAL adj. wedge-shaped, also CUNEATE, CUNEATED, CUNEATIC.
CUNEUScuneus n. (Neuroanatomy) A portion of the occipital lobe of the human brain, involved in visual processing.
cuneus n. (Entomology) A wedge-shaped section of the forewing of certain heteropteran bugs.
cuneus n. (Architecture) One of a set of wedge-shaped divisions separated by stairways, found in the Ancient Roman…
LACUNElacune n. A lacunar stroke or infarct.
lacune n. A lacuna.
LACUNE n. an empty space or missing part, also LACUNA.
CUNEATEcuneate adj. (Biology) wedge-shaped.
cuneate adj. (Botany) wedge-shaped, with the narrow part at the base.
cuneate adj. (Botany) having straight, or almost straight sides meeting at the apex or base.
CUNETTEcunette n. (Military) A trench dug in a moat to allow for drainage, or as an extra obstacle for attackers.
CUNETTE n. (French) a trench sunk along the middle of a dry ditch or moat, serving as a drain, also CUVETTE.
LACUNESlacunes n. Plural of lacune.
LACUNE n. an empty space or missing part, also LACUNA.
CUNEATEDcuneated adj. Cuneate.
CUNEATED adj. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATE, CUNEATIC.
CUNEATICcuneatic adj. Cuneiform.
CUNEATIC adj. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATE, CUNEATED.
CUNETTEScunettes n. Plural of cunette.
CUNETTE n. (French) a trench sunk along the middle of a dry ditch or moat, serving as a drain, also CUVETTE.
CUNEATELYcuneately adv. In a cuneate manner.
CUNEATE adv. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATED, CUNEATIC.
CUNEIFORMcuneiform adj. Having the form of a wedge; wedge-shaped, especially with a tapered end.
cuneiform adj. Written in the cuneiform writing system.
cuneiform n. An ancient Mesopotamian writing system, adapted within several language families, originating as pictograms…
CUNEIFORMScuneiforms n. Plural of cuneiform.
CUNEIFORM n. a wedge-shaped script, also CUNIFORM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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