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There are 14 words containing CUIS

CUISHcuish n. Alternative form of cuisse (“thigh armour”).
CUISH n. a piece of armour for the thigh, also CUISSE.
CUISSEcuisse n. Defensive armour (especially of plate) for the thigh.
CUISSE n. a piece of armour for the thigh, also CUISH.
CUISHEScuishes n. Plural of cuish.
CUISH n. a piece of armour for the thigh, also CUISSE.
CUISINEcuisine n. (Countable, uncountable) A characteristic style of preparing food, often associated with a place of origin.
cuisine n. (Uncountable) Synonym of culinary art: The art of preparing food, generally.
cuisine n. (Countable, dated) A kitchen or cooking department.
CUISSERcuisser n. (Rare) Synonym of cuisse.
CUISSER n. (Scots) a stallion, also COOSER, CUSSER.
CUISSEScuisses n. Plural of cuisse.
CUISSE n. a piece of armour for the thigh, also CUISH.
VACUISTvacuist n. (Philosophy) One who holds the doctrine that the space between the bodies of the universe, or the molecules…
VACUIST n. one who thinks there are empty spaces in nature.
CUISINEScuisines n. Plural of cuisine.
CUISINE n. (French) cooking.
CUISSERScuissers n. Plural of cuisser.
CUISSER n. (Scots) a stallion, also COOSER, CUSSER.
VACUISTSvacuists n. Plural of vacuist.
VACUIST n. one who thinks there are empty spaces in nature.
CUISINARTCUISINART n. (tradename) a type of food processor.
CUISINIERcuisinier n. (Dated) A cook or chef, especially in French contexts.
CUISINIER n. a cook.
CUISINARTSCUISINART n. (tradename) a type of food processor.
CUISINIERScuisiniers n. Plural of cuisinier.
CUISINIER n. a cook.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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