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There are 13 words containing CUCU

CUCUMBERcucumber n. A vine in the gourd family, Cucumis sativus.
cucumber n. The edible fruit of this plant, having a green rind and crisp white flesh.
cucumber n. A person who is calm and self-possessed.
CUCURBITcucurbit n. Any member of the family Cucurbitaceae of gourds.
cucurbit n. (Obsolete) A receptacle, originally gourd-shaped and used for liquids or chemicals; a bottle or other container.
CUCURBIT n. a chemical vessel used in a still or alembic.
SURUCUCUsurucucu n. A venomous pit viper, the bushmaster.
SURUCUCU n. a South American Indian name for the bushmaster snake.
CUCULLATEcucullate adj. Cucullated.
CUCULLATE adj. hooded; hood-shaped, also CUCULLATED.
CUCUMBERScucumbers n. Plural of cucumber.
CUCUMBER n. a garden vegetable, used as a salad vegetable and pickle.
CUCURBITScucurbits n. Plural of cucurbit.
CUCURBIT n. a chemical vessel used in a still or alembic.
SURUCUCUSsurucucus n. Plural of surucucu.
SURUCUCU n. a South American Indian name for the bushmaster snake.
CUCULIFORMcuculiform n. Any bird of the order Cuculiformes.
CUCULIFORM adj. of, relating to, or belonging to the order Cuculiformes, which includes the cuckoo.
CUCULLATEDcucullated adj. Having a hood or cowl; hooded.
cucullated adj. (Zoology, botany) Having a hood-like covering or component; hood-shaped.
cucullated adj. (Botany) Having the edges toward the base rolled inward, as the leaf of the commonest American blue violet.
CUCUMIFORMcucumiform adj. Shaped like a cucumber; having the form of a cylinder tapered and rounded at the ends, and possibly curved.
CUCUMIFORM adj. cucumber-shaped.
CUCURBITALcucurbital adj. Cucurbitaceous.
CUCURBITAL adj. of or like a cucurbit.
CUCULLATELYCUCULLATE adv. hooded; hood-shaped, also CUCULLATED.
CUCURBITACEOUScucurbitaceous adj. Pertaining to the gourd family, including cucumbers, pumpkins etc.
CUCURBITACEOUS adj. resembling a cucumber or a squash.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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