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There are 17 words containing CTOD

ECTODERMectoderm n. (Biology) Outermost of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through development…
ECTODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also EXODERM.
ECTODERMALectodermal adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to the ectoderm.
ECTODERMAL adj. of or relating to the ectoderm, also ECTODERMIC.
ECTODERMICectodermic adj. (Biology) Of or relating to the ectoderm.
ECTODERMIC adj. of or relating to the ectoderm, also ECTODERMAL.
ECTODERMSectoderms n. Plural of ectoderm.
ECTODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also EXODERM.
NEUROECTODERMALneuroectodermal adj. Of or pertaining to the neuroectoderm.
NEUROECTODERMAL adj. as in peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour, another name for Ewing's sarcoma.
OCTODECILLIONoctodecillion n. (US, modern British and Australian, short scale, rare) 1057.
octodecillion n. (Dated British and Australian, long scale, rare) 10108.
OCTODECILLION n. ten to the 108th power.
OCTODECILLIONSoctodecillions n. Plural of octodecillion.
OCTODECILLION n. ten to the 108th power.
OCTODECIMOoctodecimo n. (Paper, printing) A size of a sheet of paper resulting from folding and cutting a sheet of paper into…
octodecimo n. (Printing) A book consisting of pages of that size.
OCTODECIMO adj. having eighteen leaves to the sheet.
OCTODECIMOSoctodecimos n. Plural of octodecimo.
OCTODECIMO n. a book with sheets so folded.
PROCTODAEAproctodaea n. Plural of proctodaeum.
PROCTODAEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODEUM.
PROCTODAEALproctodaeal adj. Alternative form of proctodeal.
PROCTODAEAL adj. relating to the proctodaeum, the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, esp. in insects and embryos, also PROCTODEAL.
PROCTODAEUMproctodaeum n. Alternative spelling of proctodeum.
proctodæum n. Obsolete form of proctodeum.
PROCTODAEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODEUM.
PROCTODAEUMSproctodaeums n. Plural of proctodaeum.
PROCTODAEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODEUM.
PROCTODEAproctodea n. Plural of proctodeum.
PROCTODEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODAEUM.
PROCTODEALproctodeal adj. Of or pertaining to the proctodeum.
PROCTODEAL adj. relating to the proctodeum, also PROCTODAEAL.
PROCTODEUMproctodeum n. The back ectodermal part of an alimentary canal.
PROCTODEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODAEUM.
PROCTODEUMSproctodeums n. Plural of proctodeum.
PROCTODEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODAEUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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