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There are 20 words containing COLY

COLYcoly n. Any bird of either of the genera Colius or Urocolius, endemic to sub-Saharan Africa.
Coly prop.n. A minor river, the River Coly, in East Devon, England, which joins the River Axe near Colyford.
COLY n. an African bird.
ACOLYTEacolyte n. (Christianity) One who has received the highest of the four minor orders in the Catholic Church, being…
acolyte n. (Christianity) An altar server.
acolyte n. An attendant, assistant or follower.
ACOLYTHacolyth n. Obsolete form of acolyte.
ACOLYTH n. (obsolete) a faithful follower, also ACOLYTE.
ACOLYTESacolytes n. Plural of acolyte.
ACOLYTE n. a faithful follower, also ACOLYTH.
ACOLYTHSacolyths n. Plural of acolyth.
ACOLYTH n. (obsolete) a faithful follower, also ACOLYTE.
SCOLYTIDscolytid n. (Zoology) A bark beetle (of Scolytus).
SCOLYTID n. (Greek) any one of numerous species of small bark-boring beetles, also SCOLYTOID.
MUCOLYTICmucolytic adj. Serving to dissolve mucus.
mucolytic n. A mucolytic agent.
MUCOLYTIC n. an agent that is able to break down mucus.
ONCOLYSESoncolyses n. Plural of oncolysis.
ONCOLYSIS n. the destruction of tumours.
ONCOLYSISoncolysis n. The breakdown or destruction of a tumour.
ONCOLYSIS n. the destruction of tumours.
ONCOLYTIConcolytic adj. That breaks up cancer cells.
oncolytic n. Any drug or substance that breaks up cancer cells.
ONCOLYTIC n. an agent that destroys tumours.
SCOLYTIDSscolytids n. Plural of scolytid.
SCOLYTID n. (Greek) any one of numerous species of small bark-boring beetles, also SCOLYTOID.
SCOLYTOIDscolytoid adj. (Zoology) Resembling or characteristic of the bark-beetle genus Scolytus.
scolytoid n. (Zoology) A beetle of the bark-beetle genus Scolytus.
SCOLYTOID n. a member of the Scolytidae, bark-beetles, also SCOLYTID.
GLYCOLYSESglycolyses n. Plural of glycolysis.
GLYCOLYSIS n. the breaking down of glucose into acids.
GLYCOLYSISglycolysis n. (Biochemistry) The cellular degradation of the simple sugar glucose to yield pyruvic acid, and ATP as…
GLYCOLYSIS n. the breaking down of glucose into acids.
GLYCOLYTICglycolytic adj. (Biochemistry) Of, pertaining to or producing glycolysis.
GLYCOLYTIC adj. relating to glycolysis.
MUCOLYTICSmucolytics n. Plural of mucolytic.
MUCOLYTIC n. an agent that is able to break down mucus.
ONCOLYTICSoncolytics n. Plural of oncolytic.
ONCOLYTIC n. an agent that destroys tumours.
SCOLYTOIDSscolytoids n. Plural of scolytoid.
SCOLYTOID n. a member of the Scolytidae, bark-beetles, also SCOLYTID.
ZINCOLYSESZINCOLYSIS n. (obsolete) electrolysis.
ZINCOLYSISzincolysis n. (Chemistry, archaic) electrolysis.
ZINCOLYSIS n. (obsolete) electrolysis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 106 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
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