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There are 19 words containing COLP

COLPITIScolpitis n. Inflammation of the vagina.
COLPITIS n. a vaginal inflammation.
COLPITISESCOLPITIS n. a vaginal inflammation.
COLPORTAGEcolportage n. The distribution or selling of publications via carriers, particularly devotional literature.
COLPORTAGE n. (French) the distribution of religious books, tracts, etc., by colporteurs.
COLPORTAGEScolportages n. Plural of colportage.
COLPORTAGE n. (French) the distribution of religious books, tracts, etc., by colporteurs.
COLPORTEURcolporteur n. A peddler of publications, especially of religious books.
COLPORTEUR n. (French) a peddler of religious books.
COLPORTEURScolporteurs n. Plural of colporteur.
COLPORTEUR n. (French) a peddler of religious books.
COLPOSCOPEcolposcope n. A form of endoscope used to examine the tissues of the vagina and cervix.
COLPOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus.
COLPOSCOPEScolposcopes n. Plural of colposcope.
COLPOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus.
COLPOSCOPICALcolposcopical adj. Alternative form of colposcopic.
COLPOSCOPICAL adj. relating to colposcopy.
COLPOSCOPICALLYcolposcopically adv. With a colposcope; upon colposcopy.
COLPOSCOPICAL adv. relating to colposcopy.
COLPOSCOPIEScolposcopies n. Plural of colposcopy.
COLPOSCOPY n. an examination using a colposcope, an instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus.
COLPOSCOPYcolposcopy n. (Medicine) the examination of the tissues of the vagina and cervix using a colposcope.
COLPOSCOPY n. an examination using a colposcope, an instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus.
COLPOTOMIEScolpotomies n. Plural of colpotomy.
COLPOTOMY n. surgical incision into the wall of the vagina.
COLPOTOMYcolpotomy n. Surgical creation of a hole through the vagina to the rectouterine pouch, using a scalpel incision to drain the fluid.
COLPOTOMY n. surgical incision into the wall of the vagina.
ENCOLPIAencolpia n. Plural of encolpion.
encolpia n. Plural of encolpium.
ENCOLPION n. (Greek) a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPIUM.
ENCOLPIONencolpion n. Alternative form of encolpium.
ENCOLPION n. (Greek) a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPIUM.
ENCOLPIONSencolpions n. Plural of encolpion.
ENCOLPION n. (Greek) a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPIUM.
ENCOLPIUMencolpium n. A reliquary that is worn suspended from the neck like a medallion.
ENCOLPIUM n. a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPION.
ENCOLPIUMSencolpiums n. Plural of encolpium.
ENCOLPIUM n. a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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