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There are 18 words containing CETT

CONCETTIconcetti n. Plural of concetto.
CONCETTO n. (Italian) an ingenious expression, a witticism.
CONCETTOconcetto n. (Literature) Affected wit; a witty turn of phrase; a conceit.
CONCETTO n. (Italian) an ingenious expression, a witticism.
DANCETTEdancette n. (Heraldry) A zigzag or indented line or figure.
dancette n. (Architecture) The chevron or zigzag moulding common in Romanesque architecture.
dancetté adj. (Heraldry) Deeply indented; having large teeth.
DANCETTYdancetty adj. Alternative form of dancetté.
DANCETTY adj. of a heraldic line, deeply indented, also DANCETTE, DANCETTEE.
DOLCETTOdolcetto n. A grape variety from Piedmont, used to make a red wine.
dolcetto n. The dry, slightly bitter wine made from this grape.
DOLCETTO n. (Italian) a variety of grape for making wine.
FACETTEDfacetted adj. Having facets.
facetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of facet.
FACET v. to cut small plane surfaces on.
PANCETTApancetta n. A cured belly or pork; bacon.
PANCETTA n. (Italian) unsmoked Italian bacon.
DANCETTEEdancettée adj. Alternative form of dancetté.
DANCETTEE adj. (French) of a heraldic line, deeply indented, also DANCETTE, DANCETTY.
DANCETTESdancettes n. Plural of dancette.
DANCETTE n. a zigzag line across a shield.
DOLCETTOSdolcettos n. Plural of dolcetto.
DOLCETTO n. (Italian) a variety of grape for making wine.
FACETTINGfacetting v. Present participle of facet.
facetting n. Alternative form of faceting.
FACET v. to cut small plane surfaces on.
PANCETTASpancettas n. Plural of pancetta.
PANCETTA n. (Italian) unsmoked Italian bacon.
CONCETTISMconcettism n. The use of concetti, or affected conceits.
CONCETTISM n. the use of concetti or affected conceits.
CONCETTISTCONCETTIST n. one adept in concetti, conceits, ingenious turns of phrase.
TERRACETTEterracette n. (Geomorphology) A type of landform, a ridge on a hillside formed when saturated soil particles expand…
TERRACETTE n. a small terrace on a slope resulting from soil creep or erosion; a sheeptrack.
CONCETTISMSconcettisms n. Plural of concettism.
CONCETTISM n. the use of concetti or affected conceits.
CONCETTISTSCONCETTIST n. one adept in concetti, conceits, ingenious turns of phrase.
TERRACETTESterracettes n. Plural of terracette.
TERRACETTE n. a small terrace on a slope resulting from soil creep or erosion; a sheeptrack.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 122 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1255 words
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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