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There are 20 words containing CEDO

CONCEDOCONCEDO v. (Latin) in logic, I admit, I yield.
DUNCEDOMduncedom n. The realm or domain of dunces; dunces collectively.
duncedom n. A dunce’s condition or character.
DUNCEDOM n. the class of dunces.
FACEDOWNfacedown adv. Alternative form of face-down.
facedown n. Alternative form of face-down (“a confrontation”).
face-down adv. (Of a person or object) In a manner such that the face, front, or surface which is normally directed…
CALCEDONYcalcedony n. Alternative form of chalcedony.
CALCEDONY n. a form of quartz, microscopically fibrous with waxy luster, also CHALCEDONY.
DUNCEDOMSDUNCEDOM n. the class of dunces.
FACEDOWNSfacedowns n. Plural of facedown.
face-downs n. Plural of face-down.
FACEDOWN n. the act of confronting someone and forcing them to back down.
MACEDOINEmacedoine n. A mixture of diced vegetables or fruit served as a salad.
macedoine n. (Figurative) A medley or mixture.
macédoine n. (Cooking) A type of dish containing a mixture of many types of fruits, or many types of vegetables.
PRINCEDOMprincedom n. The jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince.
PRINCEDOM n. the realm or authority of a prince.
BOUNCEDOWNbouncedown n. (Australian rules football) The throwing of the ball down onto the ground by the umpire, after which…
BOUNCEDOWN n. in Australian rules football, an occasion of restarting play by the umpire by bouncing the ball.
CALCEDONIOCALCEDONIO n. a type of Venetian coloured glass resembling natural stones like chalcedony.
CHALCEDONYchalcedony n. A form of fine-grained quartz that is nearly transparent or has a milky translucence; it fractures conchoidally.
CHALCEDONY n. a crystalline form of quartz, microscopically fibrous with waxy luster, also CALCEDONY.
MACEDOINESmacedoines n. Plural of macedoine.
macédoines n. Plural of macédoine.
MACEDOINE n. (French) mixed diced vegetables; mixed fruit in syrup of jelly.
PRINCEDOMSprincedoms n. Plural of princedom.
PRINCEDOM n. the realm or authority of a prince.
BOUNCEDOWNSbouncedowns n. Plural of bouncedown.
BOUNCEDOWN n. in Australian rules football, an occasion of restarting play by the umpire by bouncing the ball.
CALCEDONIEScalcedonies n. Plural of calcedony.
CALCEDONY n. a form of quartz, microscopically fibrous with waxy luster, also CHALCEDONY.
CALCEDONIOSCALCEDONIO n. a type of Venetian coloured glass resembling natural stones like chalcedony.
CHALCEDONICchalcedonic adj. Of or pertaining to chalcedony.
CHALCEDONIC adj. of or like chalcedony.
CHALCEDONYXchalcedonyx n. (Mineralogy) An agate formed of a white opaque chalcedony alternating with a greyish translucent chalcedony.
CHALCEDONYX n. an agate of alternating white opaque and greyish transparent chalcedony.
CHALCEDONIESchalcedonies n. Plural of chalcedony.
CHALCEDONY n. a crystalline form of quartz, microscopically fibrous with waxy luster, also CALCEDONY.
CHALCEDONYXESCHALCEDONYX n. an agate of alternating white opaque and greyish transparent chalcedony.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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