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There are 18 words containing CASC

CASCOcasco n. (Nautical) A flat-bottomed, square-ended boat once used in the Philippines as a lighter to ferry goods…
Casco prop.n. A surname.
CASCO n. (Spanish) a Philippine cargo barge.
CASCOScascos n. Plural of casco.
Cascos prop.n. Plural of Casco.
CASCO n. (Spanish) a Philippine cargo barge.
CASCADEcascade n. A waterfall or series of small waterfalls.
cascade n. (Figuratively) A stream or sequence of a thing or things occurring as if falling like a cascade.
cascade n. A series of electrical (or other types of) components, the output of any one being connected to the…
CASCARAcascara n. A North American buckthorn (Frangula purshiana, syn. Rhamnus purshiana) whose bark is used as a laxative.
cascara n. Dried coffee cherry fruit used in teas and other drinks.
CASCARA n. (Spanish) a medicinal tree bark.
CASCABELcascabel n. A small, round, hot variety of chili pepper, Capsicum annuum, which rattles when dry.
cascabel n. A knob at the end of a cannon, cast onto the gun breech, to which a heavy rope is attached in order to control recoil.
cascabel n. A bell attached to a sleigh or sleigh harness.
CASCABLEcascable n. Alternative form of cascabel (knob at end of cannon).
CASCABLE n. (Spanish) the rear part of a cannon, also CASCABEL.
CASCADEDcascaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of cascade.
CASCADE v. to fall like a waterfall.
CASCADEScascades n. Plural of cascade.
cascades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cascade.
Cascades prop.n. Synonym of Cascade Range.
CASCARAScascaras n. Plural of cascara.
CASCARA n. (Spanish) a medicinal tree bark.
CASCHROMcaschrom n. The crooked spade; an implement of tillage peculiar to the Highlands, used for turning the ground where…
CASCHROM n. (Gaelic) a spade with a bent handle for tilling soil.
CASCABELScascabels n. Plural of cascabel.
CASCABEL n. (Spanish) the rear part of a cannon, also CASCABLE.
CASCABLEScascables n. Plural of cascable.
CASCABLE n. (Spanish) the rear part of a cannon, also CASCABEL.
CASCADINGcascading v. Present participle of cascade.
CASCADE v. to fall like a waterfall.
CASCADURAcascadura n. Any of the armoured freshwater catfish of the genus Hoplosternum (syn. Cascadura).
CASCADURA n. a type of catfish having a scaly armoured skin.
CASCHROMScaschroms n. Plural of caschrom.
CASCHROM n. (Gaelic) a spade with a bent handle for tilling soil.
CASCADURAScascaduras n. Plural of cascadura.
CASCADURA n. a type of catfish having a scaly armoured skin.
CASCARILLAcascarilla n. A euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub (Croton eleutheria).
cascarilla n. The aromatic bark of this shrub, formerly used as a gentle tonic or mixed with tobacco for smoking.
CASCARILLA n. (Spanish) a euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub; its aromatic bark.
CASCARILLAScascarillas n. Plural of cascarilla.
CASCARILLA n. (Spanish) a euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub; its aromatic bark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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