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There are 18 words containing CARM

CARMANcarman n. (Obsolete) A person who transported goods, usually with a horse and cart.
Carman prop.n. A surname.
CARMAN n. a streetcar driver.
CARMENcarmen n. Plural of carman.
Carmen prop.n. A female given name from Spanish in the nineteenth century.
Carmen prop.n. (Dated, rare) A male given name from Italian.
CARMINEcarmine n. A purplish-red pigment, made from dye obtained from the cochineal beetle; carminic acid or any of its derivatives.
carmine n. A purplish-red colour, resembling that pigment.
carmine adj. Of the purplish red colour shade carmine.
CARMAKERcarmaker n. A manufacturer of automobiles.
CARMAKER n. an automobile manufacturer.
CARMINEScarmines n. Plural of carmine.
Carmines prop.n. Plural of Carmine.
CARMINE n. a vivid red colour.
SCARMOGEscarmoge n. Obsolete form of skirmish.
SCARMOGE n. (archaic) a skirmish.
CARMAKERScarmakers n. Plural of carmaker.
CARMAKER n. an automobile manufacturer.
CARMELITECarmelite n. A member of the Order of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a Catholic religious order focusing…
Carmelite n. A variety of pear.
Carmelite n. (Now historical) A type of fine woolen material.
SCARMOGESscarmoges n. Plural of scarmoge.
SCARMOGE n. (archaic) a skirmish.
CARMAGNOLEcarmagnole n. (Historical) A popular Red Republican song and dance, of the time of the first French Revolution.
carmagnole n. (Clothing, historical) A short jacket, fashionable during the French Revolution, with short skirts…
carmagnole n. (Archaic) A bombastic report from the French armies.
CARMELITESCarmelites n. Plural of Carmelite.
CARMELITE n. a fine woollen fabric of beige or similar colour.
CARMAGNOLEScarmagnoles n. Plural of carmagnole.
CARMAGNOLE n. (French) a popular song and round dance of the French Revolutionary period.
CARMINATIVEcarminative adj. Relieving discomfort of gas in the digestive tract.
carminative n. (Medicine) A drug or substance that induces the releasing of gas from the digestive tract.
CARMINATIVE adj. able to relieve flatulence.
ESCARMOUCHEescarmouche n. (Obsolete) A skirmish.
ESCARMOUCHE n. (obsolete) a skirmish.
CARMINATIVEScarminatives n. Plural of carminative.
CARMINATIVE n. a drug able to relieve flatulence.
ESCARMOUCHESescarmouches n. Plural of escarmouche.
ESCARMOUCHE n. (obsolete) a skirmish.
PICROCARMINEpicrocarmine n. A stain made from picric acid and indigo carmine.
PICROCARMINE n. a stain for microscope work made from carmine, ammonia, water and picric acid.
PICROCARMINESPICROCARMINE n. a stain for microscope work made from carmine, ammonia, water and picric acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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