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There are 20 nine-letter words containing CROC

CROCEINEScroceines n. Plural of croceine.
CROCEINE n. a red or orange azo dye, also CROCEIN.
CROCHETEDcrocheted v. Simple past tense and past participle of crochet.
CROCHET v. to work wool or thread with a small hook.
CROCHETERcrocheter n. One who crochets.
CROCHETER n. one who crochets.
CROCKETEDcrocketed adj. (Architecture) Having a crocket.
CROCKETED adj. having crockets, curling leaves along the outer angles of pinnacles and gables.
CROCKPOTScrockpots n. Plural of crockpot.
crock␣pots n. Plural of crock pot.
CROCKPOT n. (tradename) a brand of slow cooker.
CROCODILEcrocodile n. Any of the predatory amphibious reptiles of the family Crocodylidae; (loosely) a crocodilian, any species…
crocodile n. A long line or procession of people (especially children) walking together.
crocodile n. (Logic) A fallacious dilemma, mythically supposed to have been first used by a crocodile.
CROCOITEScrocoites n. Plural of crocoite.
CROCOITE n. a bright red mineral, lead chromate, also CROCOISITE.
CROCOSMIAcrocosmia n. Any of many plants in the genus Crocosmia.
Crocosmia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Iridaceae – montbretias, of southern and eastern Africa.
CROCOSMIA n. any plant of the genus Crocosmia, including montbretia.
MACROCODEmacrocode n. (Computing) Code written using macros.
macrocode n. Any relatively high-level coding system.
macrocode v. (Transitive) To encode using a relatively high-level coding system.
MACROCOPYmacrocopy n. A photocopy that is greatly enlarged in size.
MACROCOPY n. an enlarged copy of printed material for people with weak sight.
MACROCOSMmacrocosm n. (Philosophy) A complex structure, such as a society, considered as a single entity that contains numerous…
macrocosm n. (Used absolutely) The universe.
MACROCOSM n. a large and complex structure considered as a whole.
MACROCYSTmacrocyst n. (Biology) An aggregate of cells of Dictyosteliida formed during sexual reproduction enclosed in a cellulose wall.
MACROCYST n. an unusually large cyst.
MACROCYTEmacrocyte n. (Hematology, cytology) an unusually large red blood cell that is associated with pernicious anemia.
MACROCYTE n. an abnormally large red blood corpuscle.
MICROCARDmicrocard n. A small card bearing a microreproduction of text, resembling the microfiche format but on cardboard…
microcard v. (Transitive) To transfer to microcard format.
MICROCARD n. a card representing some 200 or more pages of a book in microscopic print.
MICROCARSmicrocars n. Plural of microcar.
MICROCAR n. a compact small-engined car.
MICROCHIPmicrochip n. Integrated circuit; microprocessor.
microchip v. To fit (an animal) with a microchip.
MICROCHIP n. a chip of silicon.
MICROCODEmicrocode n. (Computing) The collective microprograms in a CPU, used to run machine instructions.
microcode v. (Computing, transitive) To write or rewrite (program instructions) in microcode, typically to optimize performance.
MICROCODE n. a micro-instruction.
MICROCOPYmicrocopy n. (Countable) A photocopy that is greatly reduced in size.
microcopy n. (Uncountable, marketing) Very short copy.
microcopy v. (Transitive) To copy (a document) at a greatly reduced size.
MICROCOSMmicrocosm n. Human nature or the human body as representative of the wider universe; man considered as a miniature…
microcosm n. (Obsolete) The human body; a person.
microcosm n. A smaller system which is seen as representative of a larger one.
MICROCYTEmicrocyte n. An unusually small red blood cell found in some forms of anemia.
MICROCYTE n. an unusually small red blood cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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