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There are 12 nine-letter words containing CREM

CREMASTERcremaster n. (Anatomy) A thin muscle attached to the testicles.
cremaster n. (Zoology) In the pupae of certain species of butterfly, a hook-shaped protuberance from the rear of…
CREMASTER n. (Greek) a thin muscle which serves to draw up the testicle.
CREMATINGcremating v. Present participle of cremate.
CREMATE v. to reduce to ashes.
CREMATIONcremation n. A burning; especially the act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse.
CREMATION n. the burning of corpses.
CREMATORScremators n. Plural of cremator.
CREMATOR n. one who, or that which, cremates.
CREMATORYcrematory adj. Pertaining to the act of cremating bodies.
crematory n. The establishment or furnace that cremates bodies.
CREMATORY n. a place where bodies are cremated, also CREMATORIUM.
CREMOCARPcremocarp n. (Botany) The fruit of fennel, carrot, parsnip, etc., consisting of a pair of carpels pendent from a supporting axis.
CREMOCARP n. the characteristic fruit of the Umbelliferae.
DECREMENTdecrement n. A small quantity removed or lost. One of a series of regular subtractions.
decrement v. To decrease a value by a basic quantity unit.
DECREMENT n. a gradual decrease in quantity or quality.
EXCREMENTexcrement n. (Now specifically) Human and animal solid waste excreted from the bowels; feces.
excrement n. (Archaic) Any waste matter excreted from the human or animal body, or discharged by bodily organs.
excrement n. (Obsolete) Something which grows out of the body; hair, nails etc.
INCREMATEincremate v. (Transitive) To cremate.
INCREMATE v. (obsolete) to cremate.
INCREMENTincrement n. The action of increasing or becoming greater.
increment n. (Heraldry) The waxing of the moon.
increment n. The amount of increase.
RECREMENTrecrement n. Waste matter or dross.
recrement n. (Biology) A bodily secretion that is reabsorbed into the blood.
RECREMENT n. a waste product of an organism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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