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There are 14 nine-letter words containing CIDA

ALGICIDALalgicidal adj. Acting as an algicide.
ALGICIDAL adj. having the property of killing algae.
AUTOCIDALautocidal adj. Relating to autocide.
AUTOCIDAL adj. of pest control, effected by the introduction of sterile or genetically altered individuals into the wild population.
CIDARISESCIDARIS n. (Latin) the royal tiara or cap of state of the ancient Persians.
DECIDABLEdecidable adj. Capable of being decided.
decidable adj. (Computer science) describing a set for which there exists an algorithm that will determine whether…
decidable adj. (Logic) in intuitionistic logic, a proposition P is decidable in a given theory if it can be proven…
ELUCIDATEelucidate v. (Transitive) To make clear; to clarify; to shed light upon.
ELUCIDATE v. to make clear.
FEMICIDALfemicidal adj. Killing women.
FEMICIDAL adj. relating to femicide, the killing of women and girls because of their gender.
FETICIDALfeticidal adj. Killing a fetus.
FETICIDAL adj. relating to the killing of a fetus.
FILICIDALfilicidal adj. Of or pertaining to filicide.
FILICIDAL adj. relating to filicide, the killing of one's own child.
GENOCIDALgenocidal adj. Causative of or relating to an act or policy of genocide.
GENOCIDAL adj. relating to genocide.
HOMICIDALhomicidal adj. Of or pertaining to homicide.
HOMICIDAL adj. related to homicide.
MITICIDALmiticidal adj. Having the effect of killing mites.
MITICIDAL adj. relating to a miticide, an agent which kills mites.
REGICIDALregicidal adj. Of or pertaining to regicide.
REGICIDAL adj. pertaining to regicide, or to one committing it.
VIRICIDALviricidal adj. Of or pertaining to a viricide (killing of a husband).
viricidal adj. Alternative form of virucidal.
VIRICIDAL adj. relating to a viricide, a substance that destroys a virus, also VIRUCIDAL.
VIRUCIDALvirucidal adj. Killing or destroying viruses.
VIRUCIDAL adj. relating to a virucide, a substance that destroys a virus, also VIRICIDAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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