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There are 15 nine-letter words containing CAUS

CAUSALGIAcausalgia n. (Medicine) A disorder with intense burning pain, one of two types of complex regional pain syndrome.
CAUSALGIA n. a constant burning pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve.
CAUSALGICcausalgic adj. Relating to causalgia.
CAUSALGIC adj. relating to causalgia, a constant burning pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve.
CAUSALITYcausality n. The agency of a cause; the action or power of a cause, in producing its effect.
causality n. The relationship between something that happens or exists and the thing that causes it; the cause and…
CAUSALITY n. the relationship between cause and effect.
CAUSATIONcausation n. The act of causing.
causation n. The act or agency by which an effect is produced.
causation n. Cause and effect, considered as a system.
CAUSATIVEcausative adj. Acting as a cause#Noun.
causative adj. Involving, or affected by, causality#Noun.
causative adj. (Linguistics) Expressing a cause#Noun or causation#Noun.
CAUSELESScauseless adj. Having no obvious cause; fortuitous or inexplicable.
causeless adj. Groundless or unreasonable.
CAUSELESS adj. without a cause.
CAUSERIEScauseries n. Plural of causerie.
CAUSERIE n. (French) a light and informal conversation; a brief, conversational essay.
CAUSEWAYScauseways n. Plural of causeway.
CAUSEWAY v. to build a raised roadway over.
CAUSTICALcaustical adj. Archaic form of caustic.
CAUSTICAL adj. burning, also CAUSTIC.
CONCAUSESconcauses n. Plural of concause.
CONCAUSE n. a cooperating cause.
ENCAUSTICencaustic adj. (Art) Prepared by means of heat; burned in.
encaustic n. A wax-based paint that is fixed in place by heating.
encaustic n. A painting produced using this paint.
HOLOCAUSTholocaust n. (Religion) An offering or sacrifice to a deity that is completely burned to ashes.
holocaust n. (By extension).
holocaust v. (Religion, also figuratively) To sacrifice (chiefly an animal) to be completely burned.
HYPOCAUSThypocaust n. An underfloor space or flue through which heat from a furnace passes to heat the floor of a room or a bath.
hypocaust n. An underfloor heating system, even without such an underfloor space or flue, as adapted for modern housing.
HYPOCAUST n. an ancient air chamber or series of chambers for heating rooms.
NONCAUSALnoncausal adj. Not causal.
NONCAUSAL adj. not causal.
SUBCAUSESsubcauses n. Plural of subcause.
SUBCAUSE n. a subordinate cause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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