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There are 18 nine-letter words containing CASS

CARCASSEDCARCASS v. to put a framework on, also CARCASE.
CARCASSEScarcasses n. Plural of carcass.
CARCASS v. to put a framework on, also CARCASE.
CASSAREEPcassareep n. A thick black liquid made from cassava root and spices, used medicinally and as a flavouring and preservative.
CASSAREEP n. (Tupi) the juice of the cassava root, made into syrup and used in sauces.
CASSATIONcassation n. The abrogation of a law by a higher authority; annulment.
cassation n. (Music) A piece of instrumental music of the eighteenth century similar to the serenade, and often performed outdoors.
CASSATION n. annulment; in French law, the quashing of a decision of a court.
CASSEROLEcasserole n. (Countable) A dish of glass or earthenware, with a lid, in which food is baked and sometimes served.
casserole n. Food, such as a stew, cooked in such a dish.
casserole n. (By extension) Food that fills the high-walled dish or pan that it was cooked in. (Can we add an example…
CASSETTEScassettes n. Plural of cassette.
CASSETTE n. a small case containing magnetic tape, also CASETTE.
CASSIMEREcassimere n. Obsolete spelling of cashmere.
cassimere n. A thin, lightweight twilled woolen fabric; kerseymere.
cassimere n. An inexpensive version of this fabric, made with a cotton warp and a wool weft.
CASSINGLEcassingle n. (Music) A small cassette containing a single track of popular music on each side.
CASSINGLE n. a prerecorded cassette tape of a single disc.
CASSIOPESCASSIOPE n. an evergreen shrub.
CASSOCKEDcassocked adj. Dressed in a cassock.
cassocked adj. Dressed in many cassocks.
CASSOCKED adj. wearing a cassock.
CASSONADEcassonade n. Raw unrefined sugar.
CASSONADE n. (French) unrefined cane-sugar (imported in casks).
CASSOULETcassoulet n. A rich stew originating in southwest France containing beans and meat.
CASSOULET n. (French) a French stew consisting of haricot beans, onions, herbs etc.
CASSOWARYcassowary n. A large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius that is native to Australia and New Guinea, has a characteristic…
CASSOWARY n. (Malay) any large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius, related to the emu.
CORCASSEScorcasses n. Plural of corcass.
CORCASS n. (Irish) in Ireland, a salt-marsh, or land susceptible to flooding by a river.
FRICASSEEfricassee n. Meat or poultry cut into small pieces, stewed or fried and served in its own gravy.
fricassee v. (Transitive, cooking) To cook meat or poultry in this manner.
fricassée n. Alternative spelling of fricassee.
MACASSARSMACASSAR n. a kind of hair-oil.
MOCASSINSmocassins n. Plural of mocassin.
MOCASSIN n. (Native American) a heelless shoe of deerskin or other soft leather, also MOCCASIN.
RASCASSESrascasses n. Plural of rascasse.
RASCASSE n. (French) a kind of fish found in the Mediterranean, aka scorpion fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 144 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 328 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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