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There are 12 eight-letter words containing CUST

ACCUSTOMaccustom v. (Transitive, often passive or reflexive) To make familiar by use; to cause to accept; to habituate…
accustom v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To be wont.
accustom v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To cohabit.
CUSTARDScustards n. Plural of custard.
Custards prop.n. Plural of Custard.
CUSTARD n. a mixture of milk, eggs, etc., sweetened or seasoned, thickened with cornflour and poured over puddings.
CUSTARDYcustardy adj. Containing custard.
custardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of custard in taste, texture, etc.
CUSTARDY adj. pertaining to custard.
CUSTOCKSCUSTOCK n. (Scots) a cabbage stock, also CASTOCK.
CUSTODEScustodes n. Plural of custode.
custodes n. Plural of custos.
CUSTODE n. a person who has care such as of a public building, also CUSTODIAN, CUSTODIER.
CUSTOMEDcustomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of custom.
CUSTOMED adj. usual.
CUSTOMERcustomer n. A patron, a client; one who purchases or receives a product or service from a business or merchant…
customer n. (Informal) A person, especially one engaging in some sort of interaction with others.
customer n. (India, historical) A native official who exacted customs duties.
CUSTRELScustrels n. Plural of custrel.
CUSTREL n. (historical) an inferior groom or lad employed by an esquire to carry the knight's arms and other necessaries, also COISTREL, COISTRIL, COYSTREL, COYSTRIL.
CUSTUMALcustumal n. A survey of a medieval English manor, listing each tenant and the customs under which the tenancy was held.
CUSTUMAL n. a written record or laws and customs.
LOCUSTAElocustae n. Plural of locusta.
LOCUSTA n. (Latin) the spikelet or flower cluster of grasses.
LOCUSTALlocustal adj. (Rare) Of, or related to locusts.
LOCUSTAL adj. of or like a locusta, the spikelet or flower cluster of grasses.
LOCUSTEDlocusted v. Simple past tense and past participle of locust.
LOCUST v. to lay waste like a locust.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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