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There are 10 eight-letter words containing CRAS

ACRASIASACRASIA n. (Greek) a loss of self control.
ACRASINSacrasins n. Plural of acrasin.
ACRASIN n. a substance secreted by a slime mould.
CRASHERScrashers n. Plural of crasher.
CRASHER n. one who crashes.
CRASHINGcrashing v. Present participle of crash.
crashing n. The sound or action of something that crashes.
CRASHING adj. extreme, overwhelming, esp. in a crashing bore.
CRASHPADcrashpad n. Alternative form of crash pad.
crash␣pad n. Any place used for temporary lodging, especially without payment or permission.
crash␣pad n. (Climbing) A protective foam pad placed on the ground, used as protection in case of falling from the wall.
CRASSESTcrassest adj. Superlative form of crass: most crass.
CRASS adj. grossly vulgar.
ECRASEURecraseur n. (Surgery) A surgical instrument intended to replace the knife in many operations, the parts operated…
écraseur n. Alternative form of ecraseur.
ECRASEUR n. (French) a surgical instrument in the form of a wire or chain loop which cuts as it tightens.
IDOCRASEidocrase n. (Geology) vesuvianite.
IDOCRASE n. another name for the mineral vesuvianite.
PRECRASHprecrash adj. Before a collision involving a vehicle.
precrash adj. Before a financial crash.
PRECRASH adj. preceding a crash.
SUCRASESsucrases n. Plural of sucrase.
SUCRASE n. an enzyme that inverts cane sugar, aka invertase.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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