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There are 19 eight-letter words containing COMB

BACKCOMBbackcomb v. To hold hair and comb it towards the head, thus giving it a bushier look.
backcomb n. The hairstyle produced by backcombing.
backcomb n. (Dated) A decorative comb worn as an ornament and to secure a hairstyle.
BUNCOMBEbuncombe n. (Archaic) Alternative spelling of bunkum.
Buncombe prop.n. A surname.
Buncombe prop.n. A village in Johnson County, Illinois, United States.
CATACOMBcatacomb n. (Often plural) An underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves, used (in former…
CATACOMB n. an underground cemetery.
COMBATEDcombated v. Simple past tense and past participle of combat.
COMBAT v. to fight against.
COMBATERcombater n. One who combats.
COMBATER n. one who fights against.
COMBIESTCOMBY adj. full of holes like a honeycomb.
COMBINEDcombined adj. Resulting from the addition of several sources, parts, elements, aspects, etc. united together.
combined v. Simple past tense and past participle of combine.
combined n. (Skiing) Ellipsis of alpine combined.. An event in alpine skiing consisting of one run of downhill and…
COMBINERcombiner n. A person who or a thing that combines.
COMBINER n. one who, or that which, combines.
COMBINEScombines n. Plural of combine.
combines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of combine.
COMBINE v. to join, mix.
COMBINGScombings n. Fragments of hair etc. removed with a comb.
COMBING n. a hair or wool fibre combed off.
COMBLESScombless adj. Without a comb or crest.
COMBLESS adj. without a comb.
COMBLIKEcomblike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a comb.
COMBLIKE adj. like a comb.
COMBOVERcombover n. A manner of combing hair from one side to the other in an attempt to conceal a medial bald patch.
comb-over n. Alternative spelling of combover.
comb␣over v. (Transitive) to examine scrupulously.
COMBUSTScombusts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of combust.
COMBUST v. to burn.
COMBWISEcombwise adv. In the manner of a comb; with a scraping motion intended to straighten.
COMBWISE adv. in the way of a comb.
COXCOMBScoxcombs n. Plural of coxcomb.
COXCOMB n. a foolishly vain or conceited man.
RECOMBEDrecombed v. Simple past tense and past participle of recomb.
RECOMB v. to comb again.
SCOMBRIDscombrid n. Any fish of the family Scombridae.
scombrid adj. Characteristic of these fish.
SCOMBRID n. a fish of the Scombridae, the mackerel genus, also SCOMBROID.
UNCOMBEDuncombed adj. Not combed.
uncombed v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncomb.
UNCOMBED adj. not combed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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