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There are 11 eight-letter words containing CLAV

BACLAVASbaclavas n. Plural of baclava.
BACLAVA n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern dessert, also BAKLAVA, BAKLAWA.
CLAVATEDclavated adj. Clavate; club-shaped.
CLAVATED adj. shaped like a club, also CLAVATE.
CLAVECINclavecin n. (Archaic, music) harpsichord.
CLAVECIN n. (French) a harpsichord.
CLAVEREDclavered v. Simple past tense and past participle of claver.
CLAVER v. (Scots) to gossip.
CLAVICLEclavicle n. (Anatomy) The collarbone; the prominent bone at the top of the chest between the shoulder and the neck…
CLAVICLE n. a shoulder bone.
CLAVIERSclaviers n. Plural of clavier.
CLAVIER n. (German) an early keyboard instrument, also KLAVIER.
CLAVIGERclaviger n. One who carries a club; a club bearer.
claviger n. One who carries the keys to a place; a keyholder.
CLAVIGER n. (Latin) one who carries the keys of any place.
CONCLAVEconclave n. (Roman Catholicism) A closed meeting in which the elector cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church choose a new pope.
conclave n. (Roman Catholicism) The set of apartments in which the elector cardinals are secluded while a conclave takes place.
conclave n. (Roman Catholicism) The group of cardinals involved in a conclave.
ENCLAVEDenclaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of enclave.
ENCLAVE v. to surround.
ENCLAVESenclaves n. Plural of enclave.
ENCLAVE v. to surround.
EXCLAVESexclaves n. Plural of exclave.
EXCLAVE n. a portion of a country separated from the main part and constituting an enclave in respect to the surrounding territory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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